Final Fantasy Topic

I don't think we're going to see another FF game for a long time. Fans hate on 13 for some reason despite the fact it was a really good game, they don't make a sequel if it's a bad game. Never played 14, but I don't play MMORPG's, never played 11 for that reason. But i've been told it's the worst game of 2011. Kinda shocking to hear that from such a well established franchise. You'd never see a Zelda game or a GTA game named worst of the year.

If square enix wants to win back some angry fans then it'll be a few years untill we see 15. I doubt we'll see it in this generation.
They just need to finish making Versus XIII and Kingdom Hearts 3 then i will be a happy man. There are no need for stupid sequels to games we already played (FF) or 5 games to just try to tie their convoluted plot together just make one game that explains everything not some little game that just explains this person's story that we don't even care about (Kingdom Hearts).
That's why FFX is my favorite. The story isn't confusing since Tidus is just as new to the world as the player. And we don't need another 4 games to explain the story.

Well... there was X-2 but that sucked. Yeah I see your point Bret...
Wes said:
I don't think we're going to see another FF game for a long time. Fans hate on 13 for some reason despite the fact it was a really good game, they don't make a sequel if it's a bad game. Never played 14, but I don't play MMORPG's, never played 11 for that reason. But i've been told it's the worst game of 2011. Kinda shocking to hear that from such a well established franchise. You'd never see a Zelda game or a GTA game named worst of the year.

If square enix wants to win back some angry fans then it'll be a few years untill we see 15. I doubt we'll see it in this generation.

I never played FFXIV either but I heard that it was so bad that SquareEnix is basically remaking the entire game in a future patch. It boggles the mind how a company that can afford remaking their own game originally fucked their game up so much that they had to do that.

It makes me think that SquareEnix just made people pay for a beta. The PS3 isn't even getting a version until that patch comes out.
or Xenoblade...damn good game so far.

As for Final Fantasy, XIII was ok but not up to par to the core FF titles, VI to IX. Everyone loves the games in between VI to IX, and some others love IV as well...

Man, I want to replay some of those now...
Xenoblade makes it worth having a Wii hooked up, a HD remake would be nice though lol.

The Last Story I've heard to be good too. A final fantasy by any other name..
I played the beta for FF14... and the stories can't even grasp the scope of how bad it was. And I'm such a huge FF fanboy...

I was at the end of my WoW play, needed something to distract the OCD attention MMO's bring out... and FF14 was coming out. The trailer was so pretty. I tried so hard to like it. The second day I uninstalled it.

I can't see the patch being able to salvage something that is flawed at it's Crystal Core so bad. Personally, I will never touch it again, even if it becomes #1 game.

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