How do you wash your dishes?

UghRochester said:
He doesn't believe in shampoo.
But then how else would he shampoo+condition the beard+pubes?
You use the excess from your hair and make everything else nice.

Does he dunk his head in the water while he's washing dishese?
Green_Lantern said:
UghRochester said:
My dad uses dish soap to wash his hair. He doesn't believe in shampoo.

The fuck? Why not just use body wash then.
He doesn't use body wash either. He only uses dish soap, seriously.
WHat does this even mean.
intoTheRain said:
UghRochester said:
My dad uses dish soap to wash his hair. He doesn't believe in shampoo.
Im baffled.
It means he's a moron. He's extremely paranoid and believes the cops are out to get them. Trust me, I'm glad I'm living on my own and not with him. Let me tell you how bad it is. He doesn't have cable, right? However, he does own a digital converter. Whenever I'm using my phone to check Facebook, the wireless signal would interfere and cause the picture from his TV to be all chopped up. He believes "The government is watching him, talking on a mic." Now, I have no idea where he came up with this, but I simply want to strangle myself everytime he brings this up to his friends.
madster111 said:
UghRochester said:
He doesn't believe in shampoo.
But then how else would he shampoo+condition the beard+pubes?
You use the excess from your hair and make everything else nice.

Does he dunk his head in the water while he's washing dishese?
He showers with it. I also know the brand he uses all the time, AJax.
It means he's a moron

I'm a big fan of the erosion method. Rinse the dishes with a blast of hot water until all the junk runs off, then slam them in the dishwasher. Super energy-inefficient, just how I like it.
I'm in a household with four other people, and getting dishes done pisses me off. I like washing my own dishes, and I personally think that everyone should have their own set of dishes that they are responsible for. They can put them in the dishwasher if they want to, but I'm tired of dealing with everyone leaving dried-on sauces, rice, old milk remains, and all sorts of crap lying around.

The dishwasher is pretty good, but people leave so much food on when they put it in that it gets messy really easily. Sometimes I look at the cups on the top rack and it has food from the plates sprayed onto it that didn't get clean enough, so when it dried, it dried onto it. What the hell, right?

I use a regular sponge+scrub thing for almost everything, plus whatever dishwashing liquid was cheap at the time. I try to go for simple things, because rinsing immediately after eating generally means everything comes off cleanly. The water goes as hot as it can get, and I just clean under running water (unless I'm cleaning a large number of dishes).

UghRochester, I don't think your dad is crazy for not trusting shampoo. I think he's crazy apart from that, but there are a lot of questionable additives in hair and other 'beauty products' that people could do without.

I would be way more efficient with my dishes because sometimes I'll use a cup and just rinse it out to use later, or say a plate for cutting vegetables, but then certain people who like to feel busy always come along and stack it in with the messy dishes and all is lost. I swear I have to get a new cup every time I want a drink of water.
Sightless said:
UghRochester, I don't think your dad is crazy for not trusting shampoo. I think he's crazy apart from that, but there are a lot of questionable additives in hair and other 'beauty products' that people could do without.
Well, he DOES have a mental illness and he seriously believes most people are cops. One time I was riding with him as he drove to the mall. He yelled at this old man, "Hello officer!" It is very embarrassing.
I've always enjoyed washing the dishes! Though I never tell my roommates this, for obvious reasons.

My preferred method is to have the sponges that have a handle and dispense soap. I use really hot water to get the crud off, and scrub as necessary. Usually, I just wash my dishes immediately after I use them. I've noticed that when I leave dishes in the sink, everyone else begins to. That's usually where the nastiness comes in. For drying, I just throw them into a drainer. The problem is that I don't know where everyone else's crap goes, so basically all of everyone's dishes and utensils are shoved into the thing.
If there's stuff all dishes to do (as in, not many) then I'll just hand wash them in the sink.

If there's a lot, then we use the dish washer.

For bigger items that can't be put into the dish washer, we'll just hand wash.

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