Holy crap! Hendo Vs Rua.


Anyone catch the fight last night? As big of a fan as I am, I couldn't shell out another 55 for a UFC event so I downloaded the torrent and damn! Anyone who paid for the fight last night got their moneys worth. Dan Henderson Vs Mauricio Rua was simply the best fight of the year. It's only rival may have been Edgar Vs Maynard II. It was such a great back and forth battle, I'd have understood any decision the judges made whether it be a draw, win for Rua or win for Hendo. It was just a crazy, awesome fight.

Cung Le Vs Wanderlei Silva was another good one. Wanderlei still needs to consider hanging it up though.
I don't have the same group of guys to watch these with anymore and $55 is too much to shell out on my own. Definitely going to look into this though.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I don't have the same group of guys to watch these with anymore and $55 is too much to shell out on my own. Definitely going to look into this though.

Torrent it if you must. I don't know if the Book of Mormon is against that sort of thing or not but you really should ;). I'm not one call a fight the GOAT without reason. This was nothing short of amazing. Both fighters displayed a ton of heart and talent and made it a pretty memorable fight.
I don't get why you claim Wandy needs to hang it up

he took a super hyped-up up and comer, and dismantled the mans nose in true axe murderer fashion

he obviously has fight in him still, he wont be making a championship run sure, but thats no reason to say an entertaining fighter needs to retire right away

as for the main event, I had the 5th round as 10-8 rua, would have been a draw, but either way hell of a fight
Daddio said:
Didn't Wanderlei get knocked the hell out by Leben??

yeah he sure did, he stunned leben, went in for the trademark wandy kill, but Leben having a skull of cement was ready to throw a mean left

you can't really say he's done because of a loss to leben, last fight clearly showed he can at least be competitive and a good test for newer talent
Although Leben just got his ass handed to him in his last fight. lol. Glad to see Wanderlei get a win, he's one of the last "Walking Tanks' so to speak, in his last couple of fights I started to question his chin, but after this one, it seems he's back in order.

Anyone see Chael Sonnens interview on Off The Record with Landsberg?? It was great!
Got a recording from a friend and watch this on T-Day. This was an excellent card and I have to say that I was really impressed by the matches. A couple of them got a little too wrestle-y (it's a word). I appreciate the ground game, I understand the majority of the techniques...but sometimes it is still just boring to watch a guy try for 2 minutes to get a mounted crucifix.

As for the Rua/Hendo match. I would've given the fight to Hendo, but at the least calling it a draw would've kept me happy still.

As far as Wandy...I don't know, Colin. Admittedly, his style is starting to look a little dated in comparison to other fighters, but look at those punches and knees! Is he starting to get the late career wobbles (glass chin)...maybe. There were definitely a couple of times where he got rocked by Le. But Le is known for his KO/TKO finishes.

Really happy about the Hendo win. Big fan. Hope he doesn't have to find a new home again outside of the UFC.

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