Have you ever walked out of a movie at the theater?

Sounds accurate. It was Broken Social Scene.

Well, to be fair, I was there to see Tegan and Sara, and who attacks the Orpheum with that much sound? It was getting late, and I felt like it was just too much for whatever night I'd had. So I went home.

I still support your musical endeavours.
Yes! Broken Social Scene! That's us! We named our band after Ugh's YouTube channel.

When you walked out it broke our heart's Sightless,
I'm never taking my dad to the theaters again. He fell asleep to The Other Guys. That's understandable and I forgave him for making me waste money. So, I took him to see Inception. He fell asleep again. I've never walked out of a film, but I fell asleep for during "My Favorite Martian." I was 6-8 years old.
Never walked out of a movie, but once walked out of a real theater play. That was really awkward because it was a small theater and a one person play, so it felt really disrespectful. It wasn't even because it was bad. I was just in a hurry to be elsewhere.
Paradox said:
I don't care how shitty a movie is. If I dropped cash to see it, my ass is in the seat until the credits.

Basically this even if I have to pee I stay till the end because I paid 10 bucks for a ticket I might as well use all of it
BlackStar said:
Sightless said:
The only performance I've walked out of was a concert, just once, because it was too loud and annoying.

Ugh, Chris Crime, Urban and I worked very hard on that concert! Ugh's swaying guitar hero chords, Chris' sporadic beats on the drums, Urban's smooth bass line to get all the ladies into some form of a hot tub (oh yeah, you know what I'm talkin bout). And with my ear deafening lyrics and unique chocolate-vanilla complexion as front man. How could you do that to us?


Ugh.. I love you.

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