GTA IV 2nd trailer

The second trailer premieres tonight at midnight, entitled "Looking For That Special Someone". It said 6-28, 12 pm, so I'm assuming midnight or I'll be pissed. I'm making the post obviously to discuss it when it premieres, which will be followed by a third trailer sometime in the future. I've been constantly checking up on any new info on GTA IV through this site, check it out for constant updates.

Also on this site, some new screenshots from the game. One looks a little "True Crimey" to me, but I'll wait till I see the finished product. The other intrigues me, showing a guy armed with what looks like an AK who looks as if he's just pulled off a heist.

I believe we'll see actual gameplay this time around in the trailer, and get a nice piece of the story. At least that's what I've read, I hope they don't skimp that like on the first one, cheap as hell. Here's what I've just read on the GTA IV website:

Dan Houser interviewed by Yahoo! Games & Xbox Live Content

So far it seems as though the "exclusive" content promised by Yahoo! Games was over hyped, understandably so with how they promoted it. The interview with Rockstar's Vice President of Creative, Dan Houser, went live today, providing nothing new that we didn't know already from recent previews and interviews. There is however one interesting bit...

"[Niko] arrives in Liberty City, our reinterpretation of New York, from Eastern Europe to meet up with his cousin Roman. He has neglected to tell Niko that he is just struggling and is in debt to some Russian mobsters. At the same time, Niko claims to have left Europe simply for the adventure of America, but he is also looking for someone... and running away from some recent mistakes."
Is this "someone" the same "special someone" that is being hinted at in the title of tomorrow's trailer? Perhaps we'll see who that is...

Also, Microsoft today sent out a press release announcing the trailer to go live one hour after its debut on Yahoo! Games and the official GTA IV website (we'll have links and a streaming version available soon after) on Xbox Live. In addition to this, they'll be releasing an Xbox 360 Dashboard Theme and Gamer Pictures. It is unknown whether this will be released for free or whether it will have a price tag on it. We'll let you know once it's added.

I hope it's a decent lengthed trailer, although I wouldn't be suprised if it wasen't....
The first trailer didn't appear at midnight.

Also this belongs in General Gaming, because it's about the trailer. Not so much the game. Plus it's for the 360, and PS3.
Yes, you're correct, I put it in the more popular forums, here I bet no one will even see it, great. Anyway, it wasen't midnight, for God's sake, now I gotta wait 11 hours for a trailer that will probably be very vague. Anyway, I'll check back when I see it, can't wait...
Should be a lengthy trailer, the release is September no? That's only three months away. Oh and btw, check out what's waiting for you if you pre-order the special edition.
The release date is October 16th for the US, 17th for the UK.

I saw all that stuff for the collector's edition a while ago, seeing it now makes me want it even more, that lockbox looks so sweet. I must have that, trailer airs in less than 3 minutes, 'bout time!
Really? Ah that's only a month extra, not so bad. I phoned my local Gamestation to ask about the special edition but they don't have a price for it yet, so they're just taking pre-orders for the standard release.

EDIT: Ok the trailer looked pretty good but at one minute six seconds it was quite disappointing.
The special edition is 89 bucks over here...

Well, just saw the trailer, and.........WOW

A) It was short, no f*cking suprise there.

B) The cut scenes look dramatic, like a movie, which is what I've been waiting for. Niko sounds a little less manly than what I was hoping for, but he's doing far more Xcore things than Tommy and CJ ever did.

C) They're taking a more hardcore approach to action, clinging to the bottom of a helicopter while it soars and clinging to the back of trucks while they skid across the road.

D) The story looks Man on Fire meets The Professional. Niko is looking for someone he promised to find for someone else, and it turns out he was the one who "survived", whatever that means...

E) Driving is a lot more cinematic with cop cars doing lariats and the graphics look a little like Driver.

F) Obviously, you play a hardcore killer, so expect some real good action and violence, as shown by the AK shootout shown.

G) El Burro was shown on the graffiti tagged wall as Niko hugged it, clutching a pistol.

H) Swat looks a lot more realistic and intimidating than they were in the past GTAs.
Hopefully the enemies have better AI than the previous games. That's all I'm hoping for.
Hey, Paul, let's drive up to the guy with the rocket launcher and just get out of the car, k?

K. And maybe crouch behind the car door, k?

I thought Niko would be the best character yet, but I'm not sure, what do you think?

I miss Ray Liotta as Tommy Vercetti....Niko is doing more bad ass things and all that, but he's not compelling like CJ or Tommy, at least not from what we've seen. I'll guess I have to wait till October.
ive already downloaded the gamer pics, theme, and im in the current process of downloading the trailer..sounds sweet, i cannot wait until they make some sort of demo..

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