Going cold turkey


Yeah, you probably know feeling. The computer breaks down, and you're left with all your precious games useless. Then life's a bitch.

My pc broke down (again) some 5 days ago, and I was left begging to borrow some old piece of shit pc, who can barely play tetris online.
I go around in some abstinence condition, where cutscenes and special attack moves from games go in and out the brain.
Yeah, of course, I try to patch it up by playing those browser games who can maintain interest for barely 5 minutes, but like nicotine gum, it seems like a good solution before you do it, but tastes like ass when you do try it.

Actually I've been avoiding this forum for a while 'cos it was like getting a drop from your fave beer, and then see someone else drink it.
Well, this is just some sorry excuse for whining in a forum where people maybe, just maybe would understand.

I guess could sum up my whining in 2 words: non-gaming sucks!

With a sour taste of abstinence in my mouth,
I always read books, but hey, maybe I should checkout that outside-thingie with my dog.
Maybe go for a longer walk with him. Yeah, one could do that.

Maybe the pixelated red platforms with jumping green character and some bad eighties techno will stop. Would be nice though.

Thanks for the suggestions, though ;)
Lol, no problem. I know the outside world seems scary at first, but once you get over the whole "sun" thing and meeting people thing, it's not half bad.
I heard sun glasses and black clothing works great on the sun thing. The downside could be that I could be mistaken for some punkish could or something.
For me, sunglasses and black clothing only help to promote my ghastly pale white skin, which, coincidentally, helps with the whole "meeting people" cause they don't talk to you.
You can drop by my place, and try some LBP, or just drool at my computer! :D

You're not getting a new computer in the near future?
Yeah, I'm thinking of doing that. The drooling part sounds nice.

Well, my itchy fingers go yes-yes-yes, while the bank is going no-no-no with the pointy finger and all that.

Good news is, that im shifting bank soon, so maybe a loan, yes?
I expected symptoms of the breakdown. Most things are fixable, at worst with a component replacement. What happened to your pc?
My GF dropped it while it was on, and that triggered a common mechanical error in the type of harddrive that is in my acer lappie.

The cord from the harddrive to the motherboard has become loose, so when I press at certain places on the keyboard it freezes and need a reboot. So that makes it virtually useless.

Unfortunately I can't just replace the harddrive, because it is the actual cord that's the problem.

Simply, freakin' annoying.
That really sucks. I'm going through withdrawal too, but mine is just for online gaming with my PS3. It just broke.

You get my sympathy, and me appreciate having offline gaming at least.
Yeah, my only (and beloved) console is packed for moving (and has been for several months, unfortunatel). A nice little GC :)

I miss it so
I went through some withdrawals from my Xbox 360 being shipped off, but I cured it by replaying Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VIII. Dig out that GC!

Moving to General Gaming, by the way.
Oh yeah. Misread the the names or something.

I would, if it wasn't locked up at some storage. Guess I'll just start nagging Tylzen to come play at his place.

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