Go outside and play


So tired.
So this year I made a goal to get in better shape and do more active...activities. This was hard because jogging hates me (well, mostly my leg) and I get bored easily at the gym. So what do?

First up, I reduced soda, and in two weeks I dropped 10 lbs (and kept it off for more than a month now).

Next, I signed my kids up for sports because if they're loving being active it forces me to be active. Soccer is grueling, but fun. And watching my kids figure out competitive play is awesome.

Finally, I signed up for city league flag football with some friends. Man, I suck. Catching a ball has never been a strong attribute, nor is getting open. But man do I love running the ball! When pitted against semi-in-shape 20 to 40 year-olds, I'm quite elusive. I'd forgotten how much fun/frustrating live, physical competition is.

How about you guys? Whatcha doing? Getting psyched for snowboarding/skiing?
ok, i just have to ask, how much soda were you drinking?

it's unhealthy to lose more than 2.5 lbs a week, and you lost 10 lbs in 2 by reducing soda? thats like 35,000 calories of soda in two weeks you cut out.

whatever soda you drank, their earnings must have dropped like a rock. that's 225 cans of coca cola, 32 cans a day.

all jokes aside, good job on getting more active!

i'm currently working on gettin serious at the gym again.. figure i have 9 months until beach weather comes back around, and i wanna be shredded next summer.

SO out of shape right now it's gross, and i have felt gross. too much beer and pizza, not enough water, exercise and veggies
I'm trying to gain like 20 pounds in muscle so that I can do a good Sub Zero costume. beyond that, I'm still in decent shape. in fact, I'm at my lowest weight in years.
My doctor chalked up to water retention and calories. I cut weight quick and I was over my norm. Plus, jogging and watching my food all around (cut meat heavily) definitely helped.
I'm easing my way into swimming again... well, easing myself into the idea of swimming, which is still a few steps away from actual swimming. But people told me I looked damn good when I swam so that's always motivation.

Although I'm trying to gain weight if anything, i cut out all drugs, soda, meat, and greasy AF school foods, as well as drinking at least a gallon of water a day, for the last month to see how it would effect me. Overall, although I didn't see any physical changes, I definitely felt really healthy and was less tired during the morning which is always good. If any of you guys are looking for an easy way to lose a few pounds, that's definitely it.

Besides that, yeah obviously I'm very pumped for skiing :D Now that I have my driver's license, I plan on going skiing every weekend and taking day trips on Mondays and Wednesdays, when I get out of school early. I've been putting off other exercise for ages now, but today the snow level dropped below 4000' in the mountains here so that's given me a bit of motivation. Gonna go to the pool after i finish writing/procrastinating on the speech i've got due tomorrow.
Switching to only water, for men, and not eating as much salt/sugar helps you drop a good amount of dead weight, but simply not eating to get full will also help.

I try to run when I can, but I get discouraged easily.
My gym membership is done - so its simple push ups and sit-up/crunches. Being lazy is sooo nice though. I'm totally unmotivated to do anything right now, but it fits because I'm in weight loss mode. Putting on muscle is super easy for me, but I got tired of being 270, so now I'm a sloppy 235. Once I can get to 215lbs - I'll think about toning up.

Playing with your kids is an AWESOME way to go about it - even if its twice a week soccer or outside throwing Frisbees in the evenings - just be active (and don't expect results in one/two months - its a lifestyle change for sure to get where you want to go).
Well over the summer I had a job offer fall through because their health department denied me due to my BMI (such a stupid ratio)...So a week or so after that I started a pretty hardcore diet of only 800 calories a day and working out much more than I was doing - it's mostly elliptical stuff since I don't like weight training. So between the beginning of July and now I have lost around 65 lbs and am down to 225. Wouldn't mind getting to 215 or even 205, but if I don't my weight now is pretty good I feel.
Bretimus_v2 said:
My doctor chalked up to water retention and calories. I cut weight quick and I was over my norm. Plus, jogging and watching my food all around (cut meat heavily) definitely helped.

i lose 10 lbs within days when i go from an unhealthy diet without exercise to a low sodium healthy diet with exercise too.

i retain water like a beast.. it sucks. blood pressure it's out of this world if i'm not eating healthy, even a tiny bit unhealthy, my body just can't handle sodium. i swell up like a balloon fast...

i also cut fat very fast too. it's not hard at all for me to lose, or to gain weight.
I'm at my fattest. About 184 pounds which is horrible for me. I've thrown caution to the wind with what I've been eating lately and once you start down that path its hard to stop. I'm switching tobacco water only fluid intake since your body doesn't need anything else. Sure I'll have a bit of Bourbon now and then but no sugary drinks or Carb heavy alcohol. Maybe a beer on a cheat day. I've also renewed my Ballys membership and have a month membership at Team Quest I need to take advantage of. Going to throw in some wind sprints to help with my cardiovascular endurance...Which will be hard since I hate running.

Cutting meat out isn't an option for me. Just cutting out a bunch of junk and burgers. Meat isn't going to add on the pounds. At least not chicken breasts or turkey.
I've recently started some running at my track to get in shape for my high school basketball season. I think I weigh the most i ever have at 265 right now, but normally I play soccer in the fall but my team got cut and i got real lazy and ate a real lot. So now I have 3 weeks to slim down a bit and get in decent shape. Also I'm not fat I'm just really tall so the weight evens out.
I also have a decade of wrestling weight cutting techniques. I can drop 15 in a week if I want to. Don't know what my 30 year-old body would do though.
I've been 280 for the last couple years. I've not gain, nor lost a pound. I'm fat and proud of it. See, I'm healthy as a horse and as big as one too. I have recently been buying a bunch of bananas and apples to eat rather than Reese's. I'm also not worrying about my weight. What I mean by that is I'm not watching Doctor Oz everyday. I know many people who worship Doctor Oz like he's some kind of god.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I also have a decade of wrestling weight cutting techniques. I can drop 15 in a week if I want to. Don't know what my 30 year-old body would do though.

Yeaa that's not fat though so its pointless unless you're going on like vacation or as you said, cutting weight to make your class. Even on vacation its pointless as you'll need to rehydrate and youlll just swell back up.

I've always wanted to enter a weight loss competition. Say it was 2 months. I know I could lose 70 lbs in 2 months. Eat sodium rich foods like mad, cake on the salt. Then drink about 10 lbs of water additionally before weigh in. You'd be 25+ lbs over ur average weight easy.

Then drop sodium entirely, drink tons of water, workout heavy, HIIT heavy. High protein no carbs. Aim for 3lbs of fat a week. 9 weeks = 25-30 lbs of fat. Then dehydrate, hit the sauna, garbage bag treadmill etc before final weigh in.

That's 60lbs easy. Would be so funny.
Green_Lantern said:
Well over the summer I had a job offer fall through because their health department denied me due to my BMI (such a stupid ratio)...

hmmm that sounds HIGHLY illegal.
UrbanMasque said:
Green_Lantern said:
Well over the summer I had a job offer fall through because their health department denied me due to my BMI (such a stupid ratio)...

hmmm that sounds HIGHLY illegal.

If the job was "fitness instructor" then they kind of have a point.

I play soccer once a week, and then lift dumbells once a week. I always watch what I eat so I dont really have any improvements there. I'm not fat, but not thin - I'm ok with that
MattAY said:
UrbanMasque said:
Green_Lantern said:
Well over the summer I had a job offer fall through because their health department denied me due to my BMI (such a stupid ratio)...

hmmm that sounds HIGHLY illegal.

If the job was "fitness instructor" then they kind of have a point.

I play soccer once a week, and then lift dumbells once a week. I always watch what I eat so I dont really have any improvements there. I'm not fat, but not thin - I'm ok with that

half the personal trainers in the gyms in my city are in far worse shape than the people they're training. it's so depressing.

my ex girlfriend was a personal trainer and knew NOTHING. it was a two week course with a practical and written exam at the end, to be "certified". she was clueless still. it's basically so the gym can't be sued if someone get's injured due to an exercise the trainers told them to do.

my neighbor is a personal trainer at good life and also knows nothing. when i first found out i figured it'd give us something to talk about, but no, because she knows nothing. (she is in decent shape tho, just fit). the things she tells me just boggle my mind that she is TRAINING people.

I feel so desperately sorry for anyone who gets trained by these people. it costs an arm and a leg and you could do far better for yourself to just read up a bit on the internet. i suppose the only beneficial point is you have appointments, and someone to make you work. might not go if that incentive wasn't there.

if you're gonna get trained, find a trainer with a university degree in kinesiology. not just a certified clueless trainer. but you'll be spending hundreds upon hundreds of dollars for one of thee trainers.
My work is physical, I don't like sodas or eat snacks all the time. This way I've been in good shape all my life.

I'm not really into any sports or exercise programs and hate gyms. I like hiking in the nature and I spend many hours every summer and fall collecting berries, mushrooms and making firewood for the winter. I guess I get enough exercise without even noticing it.

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