Game Diary

I think I'm finally getting some proper capture equipment which means it's time to think about this feature I've started up.
Honestly, I really like watching gameplay, but I have a few questions:
1) What's the right length for a gameplay video? How much do you sit through before deciding to move along?
2) How much should I write to go along with the gameplay?
3) Should I only bother to do this feature with games that I'm in the middle of reviewing, are current, etc, or does anything and everything fly?
4) How often do you want to see the GR Game Diary?
5) Do you want commentary with the gameplay or do you prefer to just absorb the game with it's own soundtrack?
6) Is this too many questions?
I'd be just as interested to see the industry insider stuff as the personal...hey check out what I did-stuff. Less than five minutes but longer than the commercial preceding the clip. New or old, not a big deal. And make it your own...I can see trailers or gameplay elsewhere.
danielrbischoff said:
I think I'm finally getting some proper capture equipment which means it's time to think about this feature I've started up.
Honestly, I really like watching gameplay, but I have a few questions:
1) What's the right length for a gameplay video? How much do you sit through before deciding to move along?
2) How much should I write to go along with the gameplay?
3) Should I only bother to do this feature with games that I'm in the middle of reviewing, are current, etc, or does anything and everything fly?
4) How often do you want to see the GR Game Diary?
5) Do you want commentary with the gameplay or do you prefer to just absorb the game with it's own soundtrack?
6) Is this too many questions?

1) - depends on the purpose of the video. Tutorial, trailers, Cheats, or quick review (sit through it in its entirety). "Look at my L337 H4x0R $kiLz" videos - ppl just skip around to the cool stuff. Funny game parodies better have so humorous $H!t in it in the 1st 15seconds or I'm gone
2) -Voice commentary is always better than writing - If you do write... not much, just tell us what we are seeing at what times.
3) - With game reviews would be cool, but it can be for almost anything - I watch game videos from PS one and NES.
4) - Not too frequently. Once every 2 weeks maybe. (give us something to talk about for a good bit of time, and allows people who dont visit everyday enough time to watch it and get in on the convo)
5) - Depends on the soundtrack. A FF game - let the music talk, something like God of War - commentary would be fine. Unless the characters are saying some F'd up stuff. I'd much rather hear the characters than you. No offense. ( Epic Music > Characters > Commentary > Music )

6) - Is it TRULY possible for one to ask too many questions

1) What's the right length for a gameplay video? How much do you sit through before deciding to move along? - It depends on what the video is for. If it's a guide for achievements/trophies/completion then as long as it takes, if it's for showing off the gameplay of a new or upcoming game then 2-5 minutes unless it's a very varied game. If it's just to show off the skillz or any glitches then it has to be compelling from the off.
2) How much should I write to go along with the gameplay? - Hopefully the video will do its job of showing the gameplay in detail but obviously we won't have access to what buttons you're pressing and how you're making the on screen avatar do what they're doing so probably 3-5 decent sized paragraphs to explain the context of the video and any aspects of the gameplay that aren't obvious from the video itself.
3) Should I only bother to do this feature with games that I'm in the middle of reviewing, are current, etc, or does anything and everything fly? - I wouldn't rule out older titles completely but for insights into gameplay there's not much point in videoing games we've all played or watched on YouTube so I'd reserve those for showing cool glitches and things that may not have been seen yet. If you do an incredible multi-kill headshot on some online shooter we've all been playing for years it'd be worth showing it, if you just want to video completing a level on that same game it's probably not.
4) How often do you want to see the GR Game Diary? - I'd disagree with Urban here and say it should be done more frequently than once fortnightly. Zero Punctuation updates once a week and although I don't watch his videos every single Wednesday any more I did when I had more free time and hated the wait with that. Now I'm more occupied I still like it being weekly because I've got quite a few to watch when I do get round to it and don't have to wait around. Once, maybe twice a week would mean the regulars have enough material to watch and talk about and the less regulars will have a not unmanageable amount to catch up on.
5) Do you want commentary with the gameplay or do you prefer to just absorb the game with it's own soundtrack? Definitely with commentary, I can form my own opinions while listening to yours.
6) Is this too many questions? Getting there.
danielrbischoff said:
I think I'm finally getting some proper capture equipment which means it's time to think about this feature I've started up.
Honestly, I really like watching gameplay, but I have a few questions:
1) What's the right length for a gameplay video? How much do you sit through before deciding to move along?
2) How much should I write to go along with the gameplay?
3) Should I only bother to do this feature with games that I'm in the middle of reviewing, are current, etc, or does anything and everything fly?
4) How often do you want to see the GR Game Diary?
5) Do you want commentary with the gameplay or do you prefer to just absorb the game with it's own soundtrack?
6) Is this too many questions?

1. I reckon around the same length as a playable demo. Usually enough to suffice what the game is like with any points you wish to get across.

2. I normally wouldn't bother reading any written stuff. Just what it's all about then I'd watch it. But you guys can produce some entertaining reads, so its your call.

3. I think current games would be more popular. If you do go backwards make sure it's a nostalgic gem!

4. I'd be content with once a fortnight, or once a month.

5. Well, I wouldn't want you yapping throughout the whole thing. I'd like to hear the music and sound, since music contributes largely to my enjoyment in most games.

6. Is this too many answers?
danielrbischoff said:
I think I'm finally getting some proper capture equipment which means it's time to think about this feature I've started up.
Honestly, I really like watching gameplay, but I have a few questions:
1) What's the right length for a gameplay video? How much do you sit through before deciding to move along?
2) How much should I write to go along with the gameplay?
3) Should I only bother to do this feature with games that I'm in the middle of reviewing, are current, etc, or does anything and everything fly?
4) How often do you want to see the GR Game Diary?
5) Do you want commentary with the gameplay or do you prefer to just absorb the game with it's own soundtrack?
6) Is this too many questions?


1- however long you make it, I prefer the 10-20 minute range, that should be good though, anything longer than a half hour or shorter than five is usually a bad idea.

2- Depends on the game, who the heck are you planning to write for; a quasi-review game, a version of "Lets Play", is it going to be comedic or serious, that depends on the game I would assume.

3- I prefer all things, so go with a bit of everything, old, new, reviewing and not reviewing.

4- Whenever it comes out is fine by me. Maybe bi-monthly, so 2 times a month.

5- commentary is preferable, but see if you can get others in on the fun too. Hell, we can do some funny or insightful stuff with one or two people helping you out while you talk.

6- No.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I'd be just as interested to see the industry insider stuff as the personal...hey check out what I did-stuff. Less than five minutes but longer than the commercial preceding the clip. New or old, not a big deal. And make it your own...I can see trailers or gameplay elsewhere.

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