Fourth of july game console giveaway!


So i got a buddy here in the bay who wants to get rid of his consoles now that he got a kickass PC. He's a film student so he wants to promote his youtube account and he figure out the best way to do this:

He's setting a contest and he's willing to give away his Wii, 360 AND ps3 to whomever can guess in the comment section what is his favorite game of all time. The first one to guess it will win all three consoles. Good publicity if you ask me.

Since i already got 2 of those consoles, i figure i could sit this one out and let you GR guys guess what his favorite game is in the comment section of his video (also giving him more subscribers). I do gotta tell you though, that he told me he modded his PS3, something about overclocking or having linux installed in it... i forgot. but it's nothing that get people banned since he plays with me online on it so what do i know.
Hmmm just ugh so far? I am guessing everyone else in GR got all three consoles. It's still not too late for other GR buddies to guess the game, ya know.

...and ya had to spout my real name there, had ya ugh?
Lien said:
Hmmm just ugh so far? I am guessing everyone else in GR got all three consoles. It's still not too late for other GR buddies to guess the game, ya know.

...and ya had to spout my real name there, had ya ugh?
Your Steam name. Figured he might know you on Steam more than GR. And I spread the word on this contest. I'm guessing two people got it, because those comments are withheld.
Haha, I do enjoy my Youtube avatar. But I love my posh bloke with pipe just that tiny bit more.
I need to make a YouTube account and spread my evils on the Internet in video form.

Good luck to everyone entering this competition. :P
So apparently, he told me no one guessed the game yet, he's willing to drag the contest a little longer till someone names it.
I only have a Wii, which I never use, but really, the chances of me actually guessing his favorite game of all time without anything to narrow it down? Basically none.

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