Why can't every console game run like Rage?


Just picked this game up for $12 brand new "rampage" edition or something. All I can say is first impression WOW. Looks great and runs so smooth. Did they just create the perfect engine for consoles or what? I haven't seen a game run this smooth in a long time.

If anybody still plays this and wants to hit up some multiplayer (either type) hit me up gamertag C0d1esel (thats zero not an o)
I keep seeing it for $5-10 new, which of course means it's not great. But I sort of have a thing for bad games, so I'll take a chance on it the next time I'm bored.
I wouldn't say it's a bad game.... There's just a lot of fetch questing. The frame rate is fine, and honestly I'd rather tons of shitty texture pop-in than frame rate drops any day of the week.
I've got it for both systems, but haven't played it on PS3 yet. I don't know why people are hatin' on it.
Yeah, really it isn't...open world. In the sense you're used to. Get this, that, go into a dungeon.

But yeah, not a bad game...just not great.
danielrbischoff said:
I think they were like "Hey Bethesda, you own us now. We love you.

*whipsers* Alright, how do we emulate them to show them we love them?"
"Why, lies and deceit. Of course!"
Wow, Dan gave it a B. I'll have to read the full review later and maybe pick this up sooner than I had planned.
danielrbischoff said:
I think they were like "Hey Bethesda, you own us now. We love you.

*whipsers* Alright, how do we emulate them to show them we love them?"

It screeeeams that.

It would have been 10x better if it did it's own thing.
There was also a heaping helping of "we have to do something different." Like it or not, iD has been doing the same thing for YEARS AND YEARS and their engines haven't exactly become market successes like Epic's.

I really liked the car combat and some of the shooting is the best in recent memory.

I think my grade was a little higher than other's but I think it's certainly worth $10, even if you only get 5-10 hours out of it.
danielrbischoff said:
I think my grade was a little higher than other's but I think it's certainly worth $10, even if you only get 5-10 hours out of it.

If it wasn't in the less than $15 bin I prob would not have picked it up. I read the graphics were all jacked up and I was fortunate enough to install all 22gb on my system so I haven't seen any of the nasty graphic or texture imperfections that people mention. I say it's a totally worth the price it's at now even though I'll probably beat it by the end of this weekend.
danielrbischoff said:
There was also a heaping helping of "we have to do something different." Like it or not, iD has been doing the same thing for YEARS AND YEARS and their engines haven't exactly become market successes like Epic's.

I really liked the car combat and some of the shooting is the best in recent memory.

I think my grade was a little higher than other's but I think it's certainly worth $10, even if you only get 5-10 hours out of it.

Most Unreal engine games suck or don't feel optimized...at least on PS3.
and personally, I don't there's anything wrong with doing the same thing. If RAGE focused on being an FPS, I think it would have been a better game.

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