Final Fantasy VII: The Series (Proof of Concept)


Everyone Wears a Mask
Hey guys,


I'm posting this here because I wanted to share something a group of people I know have been working on for a while and something I've had the pleasure in being a part of - an ambitious project to create a mini-webseries out of a beloved Classic FFVII. From the actors to the production assistants and the director, we all love the game and a lot of us volunteered our efforts to help bring this to life. I just wanted to post it to share the trailer with you guys and to also get some honest feedback from the community who's opinions I've come to trust (yes.. even Eyebrows, Icepick, and Madster).

Check out the video and some of the other snippets. Looking forward to what you think - there has already been mixed feedback, but what else would you expect from a game with such a devout following.. Also, the announcement of Sony's FFVII Remake was purely coincidental but hey we'll see if it helps - shrugemoji.jpg
Legitimately looks awesome!

The Tseng interview was fucking great!!

Loved the Biggs, Wedge and Jessie clip too ;) You were the soldier werent you!?

It's all really fucking good, I even loved the Shinra advert (both normal and interrupted).

The only criticism I have is the sound is sometimes of a low quality, it doesn't compare to the great visuals you've created! But I might be being too picky here.
No dude! The pickier the better. I (potentially) can offer some feedback to the noble director. Not really sure he's open to it since its a pssion project all around, but I had the same thoughts and loved the Tseng interview, the Shinra advert, and the Avalanche docu-drama as a fan also, but im not impartial and I recognize that. ( I was the soldier! \o/ )

I think the Tseng interview is GOLD! - still one of my favortie clips
I agree on the sound. Other than that, looks great.

Will need to see more before I give a more intense analysis. To be honest, I don't remember FF7 all that well, since I haven't played it in like ten years. But it looks good.
I can't check their Facebook page right now, but I would like to at some stage today.

I'm a big fan of Final Fantasy VII but that being said, I'm not an overzealous "true" fan, so to speak. I understand some people are very passionate about FFVII and that's fine, but I think people should have an open mind to the re-telling of stories. There's nothing wrong with trying to re-tell a story with a bit of different flair.

The cinematography is beautiful and very professional. The only thing I could really suggest is near the end when Cloud is standing near the fire screaming at Sephiroth... that scene needs more ember! Nice, bright orange ember particles floating across the screen. I honestly think that'll make the scene more detailed and possibly give a further sense of loss, hopelessness and danger.

I can certainly see this project copping a fair bit of negative criticism, but again that's simply because some fans are so passionate about this game that they only want to see it the way Square-Enix does it, e.g. giant swords, crazy hairdo, you know? I quite like the "realistic" approach this project is taking... including Cloud's sword, his hair etc. I know those might be small, silly and minor details, but I think it's a nice change.

The only thing that concerns me about this project is the possibility of Square-Enix stepping in to put a stop to it. Once upon a time, a group of film makers were using Kickstarter to try and create a web series of Final Fantasy VII, but Square Enix stepped in and forced them to cancel the project. Nintendo also did this when another group of film makers were using Kickstarter to try and create a Metroid short film.

I understand Kickstarter involves money and possible profit, but hear me out on this last one... some years ago, a very small group of gamers and programmers were doing a project to remake Chrono Trigger on PC. They were all doing it for free out of their own time and they were going to offer it free to anyone who'd like to play it. Despite it being a completely free project, Square Enix again stepped in and forced them to stop. That's what concerns me here... I don't want to sound like a pessimist, but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Square Enix did this again.

Regardless - I hope these guys keep up the good work. It looks very promising. I'd appreciate it UrbanMasque if you posted whatever updates you could about this project. :)
I really like this, and it will be out before 2020, so it's better than the FFVII Remake...

kidding, of course.

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