Feels like coming home...

Holy shit, a blast from the past. I used to be Prototype a long time ago. You closed the very first topic I made. I still carry that grudge today.

Welcome back!
To be fair, Maca is only on the front page because of his sticky....He hasn't been around in a LONG time.
kaanchtoofan said:
Maca, Longo, Lethean, mattay, lethean, and of course icepick.

and that's just on the first page! all the familiar faces!

feels like just yesterday i used to mod these here parts -- plus I still have my snazzy post count, pic and title. thank you to the powers that be for saving all that stuff all these years, brings me right back to the good ol days!

also -- what happened to GRchat? can't seem to get it to work anymore :oops:
Woo, I got a mention! Hi Kaan!

And GRChat was on life support, but you can still access it from like mIRC I think.
Webchat server isn't working right. Takes forever to connect. If you get in, your best bet is to idle, kaanch
Well holy fuckballs, hi kaanch!
How's life?

I didn't realise the chat was buggered, SOMEONE FIX IT!
Yeah, they go and live their "real" lives, but they always come CRAWLING back!
kaanchtoofan said:
Feels like coming home...

what further point do you think the ellipses were leading towards?

Bretimus_v2 said:
FTG had a college radio show that I never listened to...
wtf? You too? hmm...

See? See what I did there? Now you're all left wondering, too.

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