Favourite Franchises

oh i agree that burnouts a funner game, i was just asking why he liked it more than nfs because as a car enthusiast, my mental image of his obsession would leave him wanting to rebuild cars, not just beautifully crash them into a lake.
Tyrranis said:
Armoured Core
Ace Combat
Crash Bandicoot
Crash Bandicoot...there's some memories. I want to throw that on my list, and Spyro too. Of course, you must realize, I'm talking about before they ruined both of these series.
I like driving sims and arcade games. Gran Turismo is great for realistic driving physics and car tuning, while Burnout is good for getting out frustration by causing a $70,000,000 wreck in the middle of a town. So I like them both for different reasons. I think Need for Speed is in the middle, kinda arcade, kinda simulation. Its not great at either so its so so in my mind.

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