The Best Modern RPG Franchises

This would make a good topic for the podcast. I demand a guest comeback appearance by Jonathan!
Do we separate JRPGs?

Mass Effect, Fallout, Elder Scrolls for western.

Also, for anybody who didn't like New Vegas as much as 3, play a fully-patched Ultimate Edition on the PC with the Mission Mojave community patch.
madster111 said:
Also, for anybody who didn't like New Vegas as much as 3, play a fully-patched Ultimate Edition on the PC with the Mission Mojave community patch.
Just playing it on a good PC would make it better than on a console. :twisted:
Jonathan_Leack said:
Y'all know me, still same ol' G, but I've been low key.

I just finished a feature titled Top 10 Modern RPG Video Game Franchises, and I'm hoping to hear what fellow RPG fans think of the genre right now. Here's my list and the article:

10. Rune Factory
9. Tales
8. Monster Hunter
7. Bravely
6. Xeno
5. Fire Emblem
4. The Witcher
3. Persona
2. Souls
1. The Elder Scrolls

I've certainly been itching for my RPG fix for a few years. Bravely Default is doing an adequate job, but I could use similar in style on a next-gen console. The problem is RPGs take years to develop, so we won't be seeing anything of the sort for a while.

Half of those aren't even modern....

In fact, Souls, Witcher, Monster Hunter, Rune Factory and Bravely Default are all you have.

First off, our criteria for a modern RPG franchise is that it must have a recent new release (modern) and have multiple releases and/or more to come in the future (franchise). Yes, this disqualifies The Legend of Dragoon and Chrono. That's their fault not ours.

pretty much includes everything out there (and should knock Bravely Default off immediately, its stupid to break your list rules for one game) Based on this logic a franchise as old as Final Fantasy would be on this list,and that is simply not modern, or as modern as say, something like Demon Souls is, which is a modern RPG game.

You also have a major bias for older franchises that have been around since the 1990s, and have since had time to make better games as time goes on.

Elder Scrolls: Arena 1994
Revelations: Persona 1996
Tales of Phantasia 1995
Xenogears 1998
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light 1990

Over half of your list traces roots to the 1990s, while Monster Hunter is already a decade old and pushing it since it came out two generations ago.

I would also argue Fire Emblem is a tactical game, and Rune Factory is a life-sim strategy game, over an RPG. But that makes things too murky since hybridization of the genres is fair, so sure, include it.

Another interesting thing I noticed, 8 out of then games are developed in Japan, only two are "western" in any way, if such designations actually matters. They really don't.

Honestly, this list is pretty bad Jon. Not going to lie. When I think modern franchises, I think, franchises that have been introduced last (or in the case of handhelds, this) generation. For PC...its tougher but id say a ten year gap would be fair.

so id keep Witcher, Souls, and Rune Factory since they meet the criteria. Throw in new franchises such as Mass Effect, Borderlands, Legend of Grimrock, Etrain Odyssey, the Sacred Series, Valkyria Chronicles, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance, then you have a much more adequate list.
What, Links? Franchises only introduced in the last generation? What's the point of that? Why penalize franchises because they had releases more than 7 years ago, as long as they are still releasing quality games today? That's pretty limiting.

I think I see what the problem is. Your'e interpreting modern franchise to mean that the franchise itself is a "new" franchise, which is pretty obviously not what Jon was going for. Rather, franchises that have "modern" releases, and continue to be quality. How many "modern" franchises even exist, by your standard? How many developers can push out more than 2 games in 7 years to create a franchise, and actually have all of those games be high quality?

I don't think the emphasis for the article is the newness of the franchises, but rather that the franchises have recent releases that people could pick up and play without needed to be terribly nostalgic.

Or maybe I'm terribly wrong.
Then don't use the word modern. Its being innapropriatly applied to this list.

Even with the emphasis that I quoted being how the list is done, it still becomes a biased list for older games, most of them from Japan, by that logic. at least with my suggestion it allows for more interesting list. at the very least, I named six potential websites that did usher out quality games in the past seven years.
I still don't get what you're upset about. You're tacking your definitions onto words and forcing your perspective and slicin up genres to fit your argument. Both W and J are RPGs. Fact. That Jon's list differs from yours is ok and you can be ok being ok with it. I promise the bright light of a new day and the hope and promise it brings will take away the gloomy clouds that helped put whatever rod is up your buttocks and remove it henceforth.
Tales games are usually good for curing my fix for RPGs. They have standard levelling, easy weapon upgrades with a familiar battle system. I guess I love the simplicity.
But the fact that they haven't released many on the 360 makes it very hard for me! Vesperia and Symphonia are really the only two I've fully played.
Everyone in this thread said:
LinksOcarina said:
so id keep Witcher, Souls, and Rune Factory since they meet the criteria. Throw in new franchises such as Mass Effect, Borderlands, Legend of Grimrock, Etrain Odyssey, the Sacred Series, Valkyria Chronicles, and Marvel Ultimate Alliance, then you have a much more adequate list.

This makes it two people who have definitely played Etrian Odyssey on GR.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I still don't get what you're upset about. You're tacking your definitions onto words and forcing your perspective and slicin up genres to fit your argument. Both W and J are RPGs. Fact. That Jon's list differs from yours is ok and you can be ok being ok with it. I promise the bright light of a new day and the hope and promise it brings will take away the gloomy clouds that helped put whatever rod is up your buttocks and remove it henceforth.

I guess I am upset that the list is simply not that good in my eyes. Although to be fair, most top lists are terrible anyway.

And how did I slice up genres? Other than W and JRPG being bullshit terms I welcome all kinds of Role-Playing games.

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