Favorite Video Game Cutscenes?

Simsy said:
rhodes30008 said:
What kind of FFX fan are you? :wink:

I don't think he's referring to the mega-city of Zanarkand when he talks about a little town. I don't remember the name either, but it's the town where Yuna does the water dance.
Well, the description fits Zanarkand. He didn't say little. A tawn is any place with a bunch of buildings in the world of RPGs. And Sin attacked Zanarkand in the beginning of the game
(if beta had at "stick your tongue out/razz" smiley, I'd put it here)
That other city would be Kilika
Naw Im pretty sure he wasnt talkin about Zanarkand....rpg or not that's a city it's just like saying Esthar off of FF8 was a town. But the name of the coastal town is Kilika. Then again you can say Kilika is more of a village anyways let me get back on topic.

Although not exactly cut scenes I enjoy all of the Tekken series movies.
The Gta cutscenes. And on FF8 when Galbadia and Balamb Gardens were at battle. Most of that scene you were playing through the parts where the cgi was running in the background
I was just playing through KotOR2 again, and came across another one I liked a whoe lot: The cutscene on the light side when you go meet the newly re-assembled Jedi Council. It had a very interesting counterpoint effect when it switched back and forth between Kreia and the council.

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