Every E3 Conference in 60 Seconds

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Hey guys,

I've dedicated this E3 to pumping out as much information about it as I can, all in 60 seconds. For those of us who don't have the time to watch 2-3 hour long sessions, or are simply too lazy to do so!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEDnpmB ... 5VSJZhPfrZ

I will continuously be updated my YouTube with new videos about all this E3 content. I'm trying to pump it out as quickly as I can, but I am only one man, and can only go so quickly. However, if you have any requests, let me know and I'll see if we can work something out!

Hope you guys enjoy!
UghRochester said:
I didn't bump it? :?

A post is a bump :D

I feel like people are picking on Ugh lately and I do not approve.

I hereby join team Ugh, if you have a problem with Ugh, you'll have to fight me too.

And I don't even think Ugh likes me. That's how strongly I feel about this. I'll probably have to fight Ugh just to stay a member of team Ugh.
Rain, are you saying you're backing Ugh up on the whole creepy phone number gathering from the streamer?
That's like being Oscar Pistorius' lawyer. Inevitable guilt.

Well the plan was to let this topic slide into oblivion, but now that's out the bloody window.
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