Will you guys go to the new E3?

ESA confirms E3's demise
The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has announced what the future holds for E3.

No more of this sort of thing.

In a statement released last night, the ESA is putting a brave face on the collapse of the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) saying that the 2007 event is "evolving into a more intimate event" that is focused on personal meetings and activities rather than an extravagant show floor. The changes come following major players such as Sony, Microsoft and Electronic Arts dropping out of the very expensive Los Angeles mega-show.

The new style E3 will take shape over the next few months and the ESA says it will still most likely take place in Los Angeles. The new E3 will focus on press events and small meetings with media, retail, publisher and developers. So no flashing lights, rock bands and extravagant stands.

"The world of interactive entertainment has changed since E3Expo was created 12 years ago. At that time we were focused on establishing the industry and securing orders for the holiday season," said Douglas Lowenstein, President of the ESA. "Over the years, it has become clear that we need a more intimate program, including higher quality, more personal dialogue with the worldwide media, developers, retailers and other key industry audiences."

"E3Expo remains an important event for the industry and we want to keep that sense of excitement and interest, ensuring that the human and financial resources crucial to its success can be deployed productively to create an exciting new format to meet the needs of the industry," he continued. "The new event ensures that there will be an effective and more efficient way for companies to get information to media, consumers, and others."

I can't imagine the city of Los Angeles will be happy about this. The E3 Expo was one of the most lucrative held in the city, with revenues in hotels, restaurants and for taxi drivers much higher than less glamorous events. The change in style for the vent means a loss of millions for the city and it wouldn't be surprising if lawyers for the city are already pouring over contracts.

I would guess you guys don't really have any clue if you will go or not at this point. I personally have no idea how much or what kinds of "media" will be going. I'm not sure if anyone does.

But are you GM's excited about this change? I know it stinks for all the gamers that go and make a week out of it, but I think this could be cool for you guys. If you still go.
"Thrilled" would be the right word. E3 has been very broken for a very long time, and we've complained about it bitterly over and over again. (check out my kvetching from E3 2004 - http://www.gamerevolution.com/oldsite/a ... p/wrap.htm). It went from being a trade show in the strictest sense to an absolute nightmare, a monumental waste of money as mega corporations slugged it out while hundreds of other companies scrapped for the scraps.

I summed up my personal feelings about the show in a blog piece:http://gamerevolution.com/manifesto/view.php?id=178

Anyway, yeah, we fully expect to go to this new, slimmed down version, and we're anxious to hear more about it. It's about time they thinned the herd. :)

yeah we'll be there. that's our job, after all. i'll be interested to see what notable companies will be exibiting, and which ones bail out completely.

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