

Just curious to hear about everyone's dreams.
Do you dream about particular things often? Do you hardly have dreams? Anything you would like to share it's always interesting to hear.

As for me I don't really have nightmares. I've had a few, but nothing to distressing. Well besides when I was younger. I only had nightmares when I was younger. Very few I could probably count them on one hand. It would seem like the dream space was HUGE. I could never do anything right, and it was very saddening. Very dreadful. As for recent nightmares I wouldn't really call them nightmares just dreams where I would be angry at someone. I never really get to many bad dreams, and usually if bad things happen in my dreams it doesn't cause me to worry. The worst dream I had recently an airline plane (Boeing size) was doing loopty loops, and it kept doing them until eventually it crashed on the ground. I told my brother to speed up as we were in a car. I think that stems from the fact that I'm always waiting to see planes crash when I see them flying in the air. Weird I know...

Have you ever had a Grand Dream? I don't know what else it would be called I just know Carl Jung referred to very vibrant, colorful dreams as a "Grand Dream." I guess they would be vivid, and more realistic as well. I've only had two Grand Dreams that I can remember. One when I was younger I was canoeing in my backyard, and the water was made out of the colorful fun pit balls. The only other dream with a multitude of colors that I can remember was the one I had last night.

I was being tracked down for some reason someone was trying to find me to take me somewhere I was supposed to be. Like at work, or something. They found me, and I guess the weather was so bad out that we had to wait at someones house. While waiting the person who was hired to bring me back had gold, some kind of treasure that fell out of the bag it was in. It was very colorful. For some reason some of it was on the ceiling too. It was gold, but would sparkle blue. It was absolutely amazing. I stole some of the treasure, and put it in a closet in the house. Where a coworker from a previous job was sleeping. As soon as I walked out of the room I decided to go back in, and take the treasure, and try to leave. However he woke up, so I couldn't do it. I was waiting around then I'm not sure what happened in between that time. Next thing I know their was a lot of people around like a party. I was still being held against my will, but it was like the party was for me. However I didn't want to be there. I think I was going to take my clothes off to protest, or was in the act of doing it. Then I noticed that the walls were almost like a television screen, or like a projector was projecting images onto them. Like scrolling wallpaper almost. It too was VERY colorful. I couldn't tell you what the images were. Maybe like some patterns, and designs. I pressed this switch to change the design though. Flipping through them. Like I was distracted from everything else in the dream. Also I forgot to add that a girl I'm currently interested in was in the dream. Wanting to describe the overwhelming colors I forgot about that part.

The majority of my dreams I've ever had are usually about seeking love, or being in love. Which I guess because I'm a hopeless romantic. My dreams are usually pretty cool, and like I said never nightmares.

I've had only one zombie dream being in a park with my uncle then trying to escape in a car. Wrecking in a ditch, and then having to roll up the windows, because I wrecked.

I use to have a dream journal, unfortunately I don't have that anymore.

Alright enough about me tell me about your dreams. Also sorry for the wall of text.
Also I would love to have a lucid dream. Never had one where I realized I was dreaming, or could really control it. Which is fine I guess my dreams are usually pretty fulfilling enough that I don't have to worry about the content.

Also off topic I hate the white background.
Psuedo said:
Also off topic I hate the white background.
There you go, staff. Even new people hate the white. No reason not to give us the black back, already.

I had a dreaming first last night. I dreamed that something so funny happened, I started laughing hysterically. However, I couldn't smile. I remember feeling my face, and it was completely neutral. I slowly started to realize I wasn't making a sound, but I could still feel the respiratory upset. It was another one of those moments when your dream world and the real world mix, but this is the first time it's happened where I was laughing. And this was really funny stuff, too. If it would've happened in real life, and it could, I would laugh uncontrollably. I woke up shortly after, presumably because I was touching my face in my sleep.
I'm afraid I dont have many dreams! When I do though, they're usually action-packed with me dieing at the end.
Basically a sign that I cant be John McClane...no, I WONT BELIEVE IT!
MattAY said:
I'm afraid I dont have many dreams! When I do though, they're usually action-packed with me dieing at the end.
Basically a sign that I cant be John McClane...no, I WONT BELIEVE IT!

I usually die in my dreams too or get messed up badly.... hope it doesn't mean anything bad. Yesterday, I had a dream where I was pulling broken grass from my foot.
I don't like my dreams, because many times they come true. I recently had a dream of a friend I haven't seen in a while. Next day, he came into McDonald's to get something to eat. It's pretty freaky actually.
Most of my dreams involve being chased by someone I don't know! I really have weird dreams though. But I've got in the habit of googling their meaning when I wake up.
I have a very small subset of reoccurring dreams, then the black horse. Usually my first dream will be light and random, typically having to deal with events/emotions of the day. My second REM cycle is always 1 of about a dozen dreams. Small details will change but it is the same. About 1/8 of the time I know it's the same dream in the dream, and I watch it and me as an observer, taking note of how the world is different. Rarely but sometimes I can take the reins and start trying to manipulate it. Usually that's the last time that dream occurs.

For example, there was a dream where I had to rescue a girl from the Mall Toys-R-Us. We had to leave town, and we were not supposed to. I dreamed the dream 4 times: the first time Mall Security caught us pretty fast. The second we agreed on an escape route because they'd know if we left together, but she wasn't at Point Gamma, and I saw her being taken away by the cops at the mall entrance. The third time I knew she wouldn't make it to Gamma, so I intercepted the cops, got a uniform, and drove away only to be shot by a helicopter. The last time, a cop caught me right off the bat, said "We know what you know" and then made me watch an imposter perform my plan. That was also messed up, for a while if I ever started become lucid in my dreams I would stop and pretend I wasn't so that wouldn't happen...

Also, I always remember where I dreamed, but other details are much harder. Again, usually a small subset of places, and usually the place is the wrong place for the setting. Such as - I'll dream of childhood and my family days, but we live in my ex's house.

Can't remember any Grand Dreams with vivid colors. My lose, that sounds very interesting.

I kept a dream journal for several years. I really liked it and it helped me remember my dreams much more frequently. I started freaking myself out though, as I wouldn't remember writing some of my dreams, and they were weird ... and the writing style would be different. I think it was more that I didn't get to use my pre-frontal cortex to filter my language rather than schizophrenia, but I didn't really want to find out.

How about lucid dreams, Psuedo or others?
Ever since I've been suffering with Insomnia I never ever dream anymore which is a shame because I used to have all sorts of crazy dreams.

Last night however I was able toget some decent rest for once and I even had a dream, not just any dream, but an epic dream! Epic dreams are ones that feel very long and continue to follow the same "plot". Usually dreams are fragments, or they'll start as one thing and end as something completely different. But this one seemed to flow and stay on track.

This dream also involved zombies. It was a zombie apocalypse meets Groundhog Day. It took place in a large skyscraper building that I can't recall ever being in. But I was basically trapped in this building with several strangers and my ex (we were together in the dream).

Eventually, I would make a mistake that ended up getting me killed. And I would wake up the next morning reliving the same day over and over. I started to learn from my mistakes and would avoid places in the building that were overrun with zombies. Each day I tried to escape the building with my ex using trial and error and each day I would somehow fail.

Finally, I realized that there was no way out of this place and instead of working on a way out. I should spend my last day enjoying the time with my ex before we died. We stayed together locked on the top floor and made the most of things. We watched the city below in chaos and sat there in each other's arms awaiting the inevitable. Then I woke up.

It was kind of sad waking up because in my dream we were a couple and IRL we're broken up. But I think the point of the dream was I kept trying to make things work with this girl even though it was useless and I couldn't have her back. So I should just enjoy the time we had while it lasted and accept that it's the end.

TL;DR Dreams are fucking deep, man.
I can't lucid dream, and I'm scared to learn, because I don't want to be unable to not lucid dream. Dreams are terrifying, but I can't imagine not having them (in the same way).

I haven't had many recurring dreams, but there are a couple, and there are sometimes familiar places that pop up now and then.

A lot of death. A lot of nightmares. A lot of waking up to finding out that it's time to trim my nails because they're digging into the palms of my hands while I sleep.

There's been a brief period during which I was starting to lose the distinction between dream and reality. I think there may have been a movie or two about what I was experiencing. But seriously, it was very scary, and I'm really hoping that my brain has things under control, because if it doesn't, I'm screwed. Everything becomes so fragile.

Oh yeah, and craziest dream so far, barring weird death things: first dream where I became a dude. I mean actually seemed to transform. I have many dreams that involve going to or being in a bathroom in some capacity, and also dreams where I'm missing some article of clothing. Put them together, and I made a very strange discovery. I'm still unsure about how I feel about that dream, and that very slightly disturbs me.

Also, get out of my head, GR.
I have really random dreams that jump around a lot. They even have some scary elements in them, but I can't really call them nightmares, because I'm not afraid in them. I actually enjoy the experience.

Looking past some of the dreams I've written down, it seems that travelling, nature and unfamiliarity are recurring themes in most of them.
The only true recurring dream I've had (one that's happened enough times that I distinctly remember it happening multiple times) is actually a nightmare. It's not very complicated either. Just me being crushed between two formless blobs, that take on the weird colors and shapes of what you see when you close your eyes and rub them a lot. There's always a distinct feeling of suffocation too. It's a great. It's been a while, thankfully, but I've had it several times over the years.
as cliche as it seems (on television anyway) I've only once or possibly twice dreamt I was at school standing in front of my class naked.

And I wasn't standing. I was sitting at my desk. And I had this dream very young, before I was in high school. And I think it was television that planted that idea in the first place!
Some big shot network exec forgot his school clothes as a child and makes the rest of the television viewing audience pay? What an asshole! And who forgets their clothes anyway? What's his problem!

I sometimes dream that I'm back in high school, and suddenly I'm worried about my grades again. Then I wake up and I'm like, "Oh shit! My grades!" Then I realize that I'm no longer in school and I'm happy for a brief moment--no need to sweat muh grades and junk. But later I'm sad because if I were in high school again I'd kick its fucking teeth in.
^ I kind of get that but it's more often "back in high school but I can't remember my locker combination." It's a super weird stress dream.
I have a reoccurring dream (once a month) where there is just a huge weight pressing in on my chest. It's pitch black and I can tell there is noone around. It feels like I struggle forever to be able to move and get out from under the pressure. And then I'm fine and I go back to whatever dream is next in the queue.
That sounds terrible Brett. I'd be freaking the fuck out. I used to have a recurring dream where I would miss a highway onramp, one of the big loop ones. There was one in our town down the street from my house and I would dream that I'm driving towards it and I either careen right off of it or run into one of the barriers all ineffectually.

Then I'd be picked up and placed at the start again, as if you were restarting a race in a video game.
used44 said:
^ I kind of get that but it's more often "back in high school but I can't remember my locker combination." It's a super weird stress dream.

I usually forget my locker number. Then I'd realize I wasn't wearing shoes. Haven't had that dream in a while though.
Optimus-Crime said:
as cliche as it seems (on television anyway) I've only once or possibly twice dreamt I was at school standing in front of my class naked.

And I wasn't standing. I was sitting at my desk. And I had this dream very young, before I was in high school. And I think it was television that planted that idea in the first place!
Some big shot network exec forgot his school clothes as a child and makes the rest of the television viewing audience pay? What an asshole! And who forgets their clothes anyway? What's his problem!

I sometimes dream that I'm back in high school, and suddenly I'm worried about my grades again. Then I wake up and I'm like, "Oh shit! My grades!" Then I realize that I'm no longer in school and I'm happy for a brief moment--no need to sweat muh grades and junk. But later I'm sad because if I were in high school again I'd kick its fucking teeth in.

i was always sitting in my desk too. dunno how i got there all i was thinking was the fuck am i gonna get outta here. hope no one notices.
danielrbischoff said:
That sounds terrible Brett. I'd be freaking the fuck out. I used to have a recurring dream where I would miss a highway onramp, one of the big loop ones. There was one in our town down the street from my house and I would dream that I'm driving towards it and I either careen right off of it or run into one of the barriers all ineffectually.

Then I'd be picked up and placed at the start again, as if you were restarting a race in a video game.

See, I hate it in the moment but I've always looked at it as facing something unknown, unseeable and powerful and yet somehow finding a way to overcome it.
Has anyone had that dream where you get up, go to work/school, then come home after a long hard day and you're ready to just unwind and relax, only to wake up and realise your day hasn't even started?

LOL, it happened to me once. It was one of those FML moments.
WickedLiquid said:
Has anyone had that dream where you get up, go to work/school, then come home after a long hard day and you're ready to just unwind and relax, only to wake up and realise your day hasn't even started?

LOL, it happened to me once. It was one of those FML moments.

No, but I have had multiple dreams where I had something, then awake only to find I don't have that. Totally blows.

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