Dragon Age: Origins (PS3, 360, PC)

I'm about twelve or so hours into my second playthrough and it's almost time to choose a second spec for my warrior. My first was the berserker and that was pretty kickass. I want the reaver but I hear to unlock that you have to taint Andraste's ashes which causes you to lose Lelina and I've been trying to get into her pants. Thinking of which, I've maxed her disposition towards me and her legs stay closed... what am I doing wrong? Anyway, any other way to unlock the reaver?
give her a valued gift. Then try again.

Have you already slept with a member of your party? if so, she may be jealous.
A wedding ring perhaps? :P Idk, I haven't played it much yet, but thanks to my brother, we now own it for PS3 and PC.
schimmel said:
Haven't slept with any of them, I keep giving her Andraste items though

Did you select all the sexy / romance options in conversations with her?

You have to make it clear you're interested in her from like, 20%..

I've just started the Dwarfs after getting the elves on my side, and i'm already at 100% with her - without the Nug.
I got her to sleep with me. Now it's time to work on Morrigan. I can already make out with her but I have a feeling that she doesn't really realize what that is seeing as how she has had little to no human contact other than with Flemith over her life.

Anyway, is there any way I can get the reaver specialization without contaminating the Urn of Sacred Ashes? I really want it but rely on Lelianna for all of my lockpicking needs and if I contaminate the Urn she leaves the party forever. I suppose I could always just create a side character, do the Urn quest only, unlock the spec and continue with my main, but that's about five hours work right there.

EDIT: Nevermind my questions, I got the reaver spec by creating a different save file and then going back and correcting my mistake and I've boned both Leliana and Morrigan. Wasn't as hard to do either as I originally thought
schimmel said:
EDIT: Nevermind my questions, I got the reaver spec by creating a different save file and then going back and correcting my mistake and I've boned both Leliana and Morrigan. Wasn't as hard to do either as I originally thought

Are you using the PC version?
If so, there's a mod that allows you to do more than one of the romances at the same time.
I'm playing the PS3 version but I don't need a mod, you can do as many romances as the game allows at one time... right now my toon is boning both Leliana and Morrigan. All I'd want any mod for is the nudity one but then again pixelated boobies aren't my thing, even if they are more polygonal today
schimmel said:
I'm playing the PS3 version but I don't need a mod, you can do as many romances as the game allows at one time... right now my toon is boning both Leliana and Morrigan. All I'd want any mod for is the nudity one but then again pixelated boobies aren't my thing, even if they are more polygonal today

Nude mods are useless anyway. When was the last time you walked around without any armor on?

The only good thing that comes of them is the sexy armor. Such as morrigans modified robes. Hawt.
On Fallout, I'd go around nudez, and just set my DR to what it was when i had my T-51 on, and you gots sum nude chicks, plus no interference with gameplay.

I'm assuming you can do that with Dragon Age too?
^Yeah, you're telling me. I'm on my second playthrough and I'm gonna beat the game soon but still, 60+ hours between the two characters and I regret NOTHING!!

Game is great, definitely my game of the year. I really need to write a review for it, or maybe Links or TheDiesel can
schimmel said:
^Yeah, you're telling me. I'm on my second playthrough and I'm gonna beat the game soon but still, 60+ hours between the two characters and I regret NOTHING!!

I havn't slept for 37 hours.
I blame Dragon Age.
schimmel said:
^Yeah, you're telling me. I'm on my second playthrough and I'm gonna beat the game soon but still, 60+ hours between the two characters and I regret NOTHING!!

Game is great, definitely my game of the year. I really need to write a review for it, or maybe Links or TheDiesel can

I did already....

and I think Diesel did too..or is going to.
^ Right on I just read it. Good job on it btw.

So anyone else get a kick out of talking to Gollum -- I mean Ruck -- in the Deep Roads?

EDIT: That Broodmother is HOT!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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