Dragon Age: Origins (PS3, 360, PC)

wow.. when you turn up the difficulty this game can get insanely hard.. or maybe i just suck at it.. but wow.. that last level.. frustrating.. geez.. and yet.. so epic..
Lethean said:
I'm making a character now - Not sure if I want to go with a rogue and become an assassin/duelist or go with a warrior and become a reaver/berserker. Is dual wielding effective as a warrior?

i've been wondering the same thing myself. sure, you could take a lot more damage as a duel wielding warrior but there are a lot of skills that a rouge has that would better suit duel weapons. they can use cunning to replace their strength modifier and they wouldn't get hit nearly as much with certain passive skills and an already high dexterity. that, and the duelist specialization probably works better with deul wielding than any of the warriors special classes. building up your strength is hard anyway as a warrior trying to have a really high dexterity. you're just hamstringing yourself. i mean... it can be done.. the options are limitless..

i'll keep working on it.
So I made it to level 15 last night (25 hours in about a week including school and homework, not too shabby) and I finally got the Blood Magic tier for my Mage. Sadly the initial spell in this tier simply changes things so you cast off your HP instead of mana, and health potions don't really affect you when the spell is active. Kinda lame for a first spell in such an awesome sounding magic school but hopefully the other spells will be better.
anyone else get any annoying glitches in this game? like monsters that'll get stuck and you can't attack them.. and then you save but they won't get unstuck no matter how many times you load? alistar got stuck with his neck cringed to the side like a humpback or something and i can't make it go away. little things.. i know.. but annoying nonetheless.
i got it for pc.. and usually i can get into these types of RPGS... but... the way they did the arms, at least as an elf makes it very hard for me to play it rofl.
Don't fool yourself - It's just another extremely generic RPG with your obligatory group of elves, dwarves, humans and similar crap like that - nothing new or exciting. The gameplay feels really old and the story is mind-numbingly dull filled with awful cliches and some of the most boring conversation dialogues ever created. Yes, the voice acting is good (although your character is another mute idiot), but that's about it. And the last couple of hours are excruciatingly bad. I don't want to waste countless hours to see yet another slide-show ending í  la Fallout 3. Remember FF8? Just give me at least 1 minute cutscene or something. But no, just watch pictures and read the text...
The combat looks fine, but as soon as you start using one health/mana potion after another, it simply sucks.

Finally, the way they handled DLC content by purchasing quests while playing the game is absolutely pathetic. It just not right.
The DLC yeah that is not right. As far as everything else....I feel like the problem is more so that the game feels like a template made by Bioware over anything else. That makes it sort of....stale in some ways.
Caped_Crusader said:
The gameplay feels really old and the story is mind-numbingly dull filled with awful cliches and some of the most boring conversation dialogues ever created.

.Ok.. i stopped reading right there. The story here is great and the convo is entertaining. I just wanted to offer an alternative opinion in case someone hoped on this thread and only had your post to go by. I really like this game, and I dont htink Im alone.
schimmel said:
So I made it to level 15 last night (25 hours in about a week including school and homework, not too shabby) and I finally got the Blood Magic tier for my Mage. Sadly the initial spell in this tier simply changes things so you cast off your HP instead of mana, and health potions don't really affect you when the spell is active. Kinda lame for a first spell in such an awesome sounding magic school but hopefully the other spells will be better.

I absolutely loved the first blood mage spell... It allowed me to keep a couple of heavy mana draining sustained abilities (spell might and soul shroud) up and still cast spells one after the other without running out of juice in a couple of seconds, using wynne as a battery to refill my hp using the second blood magic spell.

By the time i finished the game my main was responsible for 70% of the party's damage just because blood magic gave it pretty much infinite "mana".

Sustained abilities keep using mana instead of hp when you have blood magic active, it's a great way to keep up a bunch of buffs and still have plenty of juice left to cast offensively.
Just got this yesterday.

Just spent 5 hours on it.

Loving this game.
Hope you boys got it on PC, because there are already 300 mods for it.
Mine crashes a lot and I haven't been able to figure out why so I haven't been able to get into it as much as I would like...But having about 3 hours total I really enjoy it.
Like used's smooth buttocks, I cant stop playing this. About 4 hours in and loving it.

Recommended if you liked KOTOR. It plays very similarly. Also, special mention: Shaft will love it, I expect!

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