Do They Actually Play Them?


what I dont get, is how many awful games there are out there...i mean seriously...if i made a game, i'd make sure that the game is atleast something i'd play.

I mean cmon, did SEGA actually play Sonic The Hedgehog? did they honestly say "this game is gonna sell millions?" if they did ask that and the answer was no...why did they release it? i mean cmon seriously...
same for superman 64, and all those other decent and mediocre games.

now dont you agree, that if you were in charge of a game, any game, you'd want it to be good?

I'm 100% sure that if i was part of games like "gears of war" or "halo 3"..i'd be proud playing them, i'd have a ball playing them...if i personally helped in the production of sonic the hedgehog, lets just say the game would be a lil diff, oh..and much better :p
so theres my 2
You make music. So what if no-one else liked your music, you'd still be proud you made it, no?
Or to put it another way. If you were a chef and you cooked food, but it gave everyone the runs, you would still be proud of cooking, correct?
lol..good point guys...but would u be proud of superman 64? lmao idk...thats pushing it, same goes for many games...
Yeah.... not even a mother could love her child if it was anything like Superman 64.....
You're not trying to say there's anything wrong with the original Sonic The Hedgehog? You must mean some of the later, crappier ones, since Sonic is... well Sonic.
AfroJoe said:
I mean cmon, did SEGA actually play Sonic The Hedgehog? did they honestly say "this game is gonna sell millions?" if they did ask that and the answer was no...why did they release it? i mean cmon seriously...

Uh, it did sell. Why else do you think it spawned an entire series of games which continued to sell millions? Just becuase you may not like it doesn't alter the fact that it was a very successful series.
It's really annoying when you get developers who believe that a widly selling game will have a wildly selling sequel, no matter what.

*cough*Crash Bash*cough*
I like to think that games like Superman 64 were games that were rushed with no care put into it. It is a project that every developer that worked on that game wants to forget about.

But thankfully quality control is better these days and a game that bad is extremely rare now.
Frozen said:
It is a project that every developer that worked on that game wants to forget about.

I thought that was Street Fighter The Movie: The Game? One of the developers has been posting about the development of SFTMTG on SRK recently and he seems to be pretty upset with the end product. The whole thread goes along the lines of "I had a became a nightmare."
^I agree

My brother (26 at the time) loved that movie. He was twitterpated with Guile, or Chung Li.

Knowing him, it was probably Guile.
also anyone else hate kids games?? sooo like fairly odd parents? waste of time games..maybe its just me
You can say the same about movies.

Does Uwe Boll actually know what the hell he's doing?
Actually their's some thing for Germans to get money if their movie does bad. I don't know, but they fun independent film makers in Germany. Make crappy movies that don't cost a dime, and get the German Government to fund you money for being a film maker.

Also goes the same for crappy games. Some people make games for free, and put them out, why not make some crappy game based off a series, or some popular thing (movie games, series turned to crap, comic games, and GTA ripoffs) and let it sell for a while until everyone realizes it sucks.

Also if you make a game, and it sucks are you going to go back, and redo the whole thing just because it sucks? Probably not. Same goes for releasing. Why would you not release it if it sucks. Their's some money to be had.
Frozen said:
But thankfully quality control is better these days and a game that bad is extremely rare now.

what have you played enchanted arms? that game was horrible, not as bad as superman 64 but bad all the same.
LinksOcarina said:
If you ever played something you made, wouldn't you like it?
thats a good point...but if u honestly made a game like superman 64 or a "mediocre" title, would u strive for greatness?? maybe add wat is needed...i would have beeen proud to be a part of the gears of war team...wouldnt u?

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