Dark Souls or Witcher 2?

I've been wanting to get Dark Souls for a while now once I feel more tired of Skyrim and BF3, but I'm wondering if anyone might recommend Witcher 2 over it? Steam has an "improved pc" version of Witcher 2, but my pc still struggles at times with Skyrim, so I have some performance concerns where is I feel safer with Dark Souls for PS3. I really like what I've seen of enemies in Dark Souls but I'm also a fan of well written dialogue and player choice and Witcher 2 seems to have more dialogue in general. Dark Souls seems more lonesome but do you get the gameplay experience of shaping the world? Just hoping to get opinions from people who've played both or either. Thanks
Well it depends on what you're looking for in an RPG. Witcher 2 doesn't have as good of gameplay or the statistical RPG part to it, but the story is really damn good, and they make your choices actually matter. Dark Souls doesn't really have a story, it just has lots of lore that you're thrown in the middle of. However, the gameplay is top notch.

Really, I think you're going to enjoy Witcher 2 more, due to the whole story and choices part.

Or you could always get both.
Thanks Longo, haha both really do interest me and another friend who I play D&D with recommended Witcher 2, but I haven't heard all too much about it. I've had my eyes on Dark Souls for a while though. So many tough choices with great games.
GuerillaMatzilla said:
Thanks Longo, haha both really do interest me and another friend who I play D&D with recommended Witcher 2, but I haven't heard all too much about it. I've had my eyes on Dark Souls for a while though. So many tough choices with great games.

If you're a pussy, Witcher 2. But if you're a man, an Old Spice Man, get Dark Souls.
I think I might be getting Rayman Origins before either now so I have a game to play with the gf and daughter. The other two are still on my list. I think the only games I want to insta-buy coming up though are Borderlands 2 and GTA V.
Rayman Origins is definitely worth it, I love the platforming aspect and it's a game me and my girl can play together.

Dark Souls or Witcher 2? Dark Souls, but on PS3 due to the bigger playerbase, if possible, but I wouldn't mind playing The Witcher 2, I played some of The Witcher and it was a very fun game.

Dark Souls would be my choice.
I think you should buy both.

Dark Souls is a game I doubt you will be playing for many hours at once, maybe you will enjoy 1-2 hours per session before getting exhausted/frustrated/mad.

That's when you eject the disc, and start your Witcher 2 session.

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