Dante's Inferno

strangely enough, there hasn't been a topic made for this game, and after playing the demo, i think i know why.

so the demo is available on the psn right now, downloaded it, and not impressed. think this game is trying way too hard. like it's saying "see kids, we got boobies and bloody kills, but none of the attitude that other franchise has that we are ripping off, err, i mean borrowing from."

the graphics weren't exactly the best either. they convey the setting you are in, but not much else. in short, i felt like this game is a few years too late to the party. but hey, it's a demo, right? the final product may surprise yet.
I don't know if it finished downloading, but my brother's playing right now. I did play the topatoi demo though, which sucked, and the Mushroom Wars demo was cute, but hard to get into.
I haven't DLed this yet, but honestly I doubt I will. Game never struck as awesome to me. Only reason I'd play this game is to review. Might be what I do.
ive played the shit out of the god of war 3 demo which might be why i feel the need to do this,

dantes inferno demo > god of war 3 demo

i dont know if its that im sick of playin the GoW3 demo over and over and dante is fresh to me but thats how i feel, i loved the beast controlling way more, the crumbling building, the overall style and the cut scenes rocked my socks off, made me flinch and gave me a stiffy,
I don't think any game has ripped off God of War as much as this. That's the only thing that was going through my mind while playing this game. The graphics during the cinematics were the best I've ever seen (better than Uncharted 2).

The gameplay was good, but it felt like God of War with a scythe.
It's a God of War skin.

It doesn't make it better or worse, it just makes it a rip off.

All I am waiting for now though is Don Quixote the Game, where Don Quixote needs to rescue Sancho from the giants of thes, disguised as windmills, of course.

And the best part is that it's all in his mind, like Chopin and his JRPG adventure.
Rakon said:
I don't think any game has ripped off God of War as much as this.

Then you obviously have never played "X-Men Origins: Wolverine". Either way, it's still a *fun* game. I really enjoyed the demo of Inferno. I didn't feel as though they were putting the blood and nudity in there to be faux edgy. If you've read Inferno it's very dark and unpleasant. It's a mature tale. I think they're just making a very adults oriented title.
It was kinda nice, but the right analog evade were too sensitive. My controllers sticks are little flimsy and always point into some direction. First minutes went wondering why the hell he is jumping nonstop. I actually had to hold the right analog precisely center the whole time, otherwise Dante was just jumping circles.

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