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So i said 'cunt' a few weeks ago in a mostly joking way, towards no specific person.

Boo hoo. If you're giving out bans for swearing now, feel free to ban 75% of the site including a stack of the front page reviewers. I'm guessing Longo will ban himself?

What's the ban for?
So far as i can tell, there's not a reason for the ban, nor has anyone told me the length of it. Is it 3 days? Is it 3 months?

I'd stfu if i had some information instead of nobody telling me anything.
I blame xbox cuz xbox sux and if you disagree then you are an an idiot. Also Spock could totally kill Darth Vader and Macs have total pwnage over PC.
Wow...Just...Wow. I hope you realize the more you post from an alternate account the more you're giving us reason for making the ban stick longer than the few days it likely will be....
Madster, get over yourself. You think kicking up an immature fuss on the boards is going to help your case? You can be a halfway decent poster, you can also be an insufferable jackass. Right now you're being even worse. You're quite entitled to think the ban is unjust but to circumvent it to publicly cause a scene is... well, it's beyond jackass status. You're enough of a veteran to know you could have emailed an admin and you know who those people are but no, you had to seek attention.
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