Console to never be forgotten!

Commodore 64. All of my training is on the Commodore 64.

PC used to be so great. Many a hours I spent playing games on the PC completely uninterested in the internet.
My Sega Genesis and Sega Saturn.

Still got them with me, with The Lion King and Virtua Fighter Kids in their respective trays. :D
I think it matters how old you are. I know that i will never forget the snes as it was my first system. but i dont really know or care for any of the nes games, yet my sister (who had one when she was young) loves that system the most. But my vote will always be for SNES!!!
there was a french survey about that. And the leading console, back then (2005) was the Snes.

But screw that!

when they're gamers or not, when they know who Mario is or not, Everyone will knows and forever remember PONG, the game that pops up in the mind of all when they heard "video game"! Long live PONG!
Well, for me, the one console I'll always remember will be the PS1, even if its just for what it did for me as a kid. It was my first console, got it when I was 3. My parents bought the first one for me in Norway as I didn't have many friends since we just moved there and didn't speak the language. All the games I had were in Norwegian, but I'll still remember it for all the times it got me through a sleepless night, or a friendless day. Rayman 1 FTW!
My heart will always belong to pc gaming, but I do have a soft spot for the original yellowish green and black screened gameboys of yore.
Briggsred said:
The original Xbox- it revolutionized FPS, starting with Halo. I liked the N64, but the controls for shooters were god-awful. Take Goldeneye for example, playing it a couple of months ago I was surprised I could even pull off one kill with those terrible controls.

But with the Xbox.... shooters changed for the better.

You did not just call the controls on the best game ever made terrible?
Or the xbox changed the shooter genre, when DOOM was the one that started it all?
DOOM 2 for the PS1 > Halo.

I'm with everyone else here. N64 was it for me. I remember playing Zelda so much, and then Goldeneye. It started my gaming life.
Also, the Gameboy Color was my other favourite. Remember how incredibly awesome Pokemon Silver/Gold was?
Pokemon Silver/Gold was so damn good they're porting them to the DS! With the new Diamond/Pearl/Platinum graphics engine!

But yeah, the N64 was amazing. Goldeneye, Jet Force Gemini, Star Fox 64, the revolutionary Mario 64, Perfect Dark, and Conker's Bad Fur Day.

Granted, the controls to Goldeneye and Perfect Dark WERE terrible. but that's why we had the auto aim. Gotta love it when you don't actually have to take aim to get a kill, the game just does it for you. Nowadays when auto aim comes in though it pisses me off since I'm less likely to get the kill with it.
3 Words:
Dreamcast SUCKS hard!
*and then as many words after that
Wasn't it discontinued from production several months after it was released? The only game I remember from the system was "Crazy Taxi"

I'm going to say the Nintendo 64 was one of my favorite consoles, I actually remember eating Taco Bell to try to win a Nintendo 64.
I agree with madster, but i'm going to add Wolfenstein. Conker's Bad Fur Day was one of the first games that placed many adult comedy in the game.
The PSOne and the N64 were the systems that really hooked me.

Nintendo had this great idea of putting four controllers on one system (craziness!) and I just remember 4-man Goldeneye, NFL Blitz, Gretzky Hockey and WWE games by THQ being all me and my friends did afterschool. Sure there were converters before that, but I was a kid and my parents weren't made of money. So it saved me $30 I was never going to spend and applied to more games. Nintendo took a hit to the accesories moneys but changed how several other companies did business (cough, except the PS2).

Which leads me to the PSOne; it had some amazing titles that made me finally appreciate solo games, Soul Reaver (that game needs a reboot), MGS, Tomb Raider. It had crazy graphics, lots more voiceovers and the music wasn't midi files! It gave you games that had serious ambience.

That was a great era for me, definitely not the Golden or Silver Age of Gaming, but solid nonetheless!
The Nintendo 64 constructed many, if not most of the critically important gameplay elements that comprise gaming today. Super Mario 64, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Goldeneye, Mariokart 64, Mario Party, and even stuff like Conker's Bad Fur Day. Even looking at the games industry today, as a whole; it owes so much to the N64 and its games. We wouldn't be where we are today without them.

My second pick goes out to the SNES. :)

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