Community Choice Game of the Year Showdown!

I'm voting x2 Skyrim because Dan miscounted the semi finals. Skyrim had more votes than portal. This final is fucked up or rigged intentionally for a dramatic twist.
spartan317 said:
WTF are these horse apples...

Skyrim won but still lost to an inferior sequel of a cult hit...

Longo's bitching continues...

Everyone else's kissassery to him trudges on...

I said it before... Shenanigans...

My three votes go to Skyrim just because I'm an idiot that prefers his gaming experience to last longer than my last masturbatory experience...

Longo_2_guns said:
Well that was fun.

I really like that idea. Maybe start it a few weeks earlier next year and do brackets.

I don't know, but I kinda feel the joke's on us though (the community or maybe only me), maybe for taking this a bit more seriously than it should have been.

Like a bittersweet joke, that from afar is funny, but looked closely not so much.
LinksOcarina said:
spartan317 said:
WTF are these horse apples...

Skyrim won but still lost to an inferior sequel of a cult hit...

Longo's bitching continues...

Everyone else's kissassery to him trudges on...

I said it before... Shenanigans...

My three votes go to Skyrim just because I'm an idiot that prefers his gaming experience to last longer than my last masturbatory experience...


yes sir
Am I too late? 1 vote for Bullshit and 1 vote for Shenanigans. How about next year, instead of taking a vote, you can just tell us who wins Community Choice Game of the Year.
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to post and apologize personally to anyone frustrated about the results not being communicated as clearly or as quickly as they should have been. I counted up votes and Skyrim and Portal were tied and then my girlfriend had the final say because she's seen me playing both titles and I figured she'd be as honest as possible.
Of course, when there are a few hours between my counts and the post going live on the site, it leaves the door open for more votes to pour in and cause a huge clusterfuck.
I accept full responsibility for the outcome. Anthony and Nick and everyone else working for GR had nothing to do with this community showdown so if you've got any feelings about the voting process or the outcome please direct it towards me. I had hoped that this could be a fun, interesting way to add a dash of the community's input to the proceedings, but clearly mistakes I made dampened the reaction everyone has had. Last week was my vacation and I really should have had this entire showdown done and finished before I left but limited time and the desire to enjoy my holiday made things a lot more difficult than they should have been.
Again, I'm very sorry and I'll leave the thread open to anyone who would like to ask questions or communicate their disappointment. I've already got plans in place to make the showdown better next year. This was my first, but I'll certainly learn from this one and make next year's better than ever!

Daniel Bischoff
News Editor and PR Manager
[email protected]
danielrbischoff said:
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to post and apologize blablabla
Of course, when there are a few hours blablabla
Again, I'm very sorry and I'll leave the thread open to anyone who would like to ask questions or communicate their disappointment. I've already got plans in place to make the showdown better next year. This was my first, but I'll certainly learn from this one and make next year's better blablabla!

Daniel Bischoff
News Editor and PR Manager
VP of the GotY Showdown
[email protected] ... -hands.jpg
You're doing something that you really don't have to do even though you're bogged down with work and Christmas. For that, I thank you. Regardless, mistakes do happen and people are being butt hurt about it. Why not have one final... FINAL showdown between Skyrim, Portal 2, Batman: AC, and Dark Souls?
cyberjim2000 said:
You're doing something that you really don't have to do even though you're bogged down with work and Christmas. For that, I thank you. Regardless, mistakes do happen and people are being butt hurt about it. Why not have one final... FINAL showdown between Skyrim, Portal 2, Batman: AC, and Dark Souls?

^Pretty much this.

I'm not really butthurt about anything, as I haven't played the majority of the games in the Showdown. I'm really careful about spending money on games.

Anyways, I think cyberjim's idea is great.
Green_Lantern said:
Voting for something because it's not on a certain platform is such a f****** lame cop out.

I have a gaming PC not a console, and I have Batman on my PC. I would have loved to have had Dark Souls on PC, but that ain't happening. So my vote went to the game I have and can play. No cop out, but a vote for a good game that I can play. Sorry your mad about that. :(
I'm not upset, you were a great host and a great community manager, Dan. The only thing I'm just a little disappointed is GR's decision of L.A. Noire being the biggest disappointment this year. It was a bad call is all I'm going to say. I still feel Duke Nukem Forever should be given that title, but that's my opinion like GR's opinion was L.A. Noire.
^What used said.

You did an awesome job. Showdowns are rough to run...especially when you're trying to enjoy a holiday or vacation. But you've did great and you're even staying classy by apologizing.

I would've just made a post like this.

I agree with everyone else. There is no need to apologize in the slightest. Besides it was just for fun, everyone's game of the year is gonna be different because we all want something different out of games. Skyrim is gonna be GOTY regardless but I don't expect the entire internet to agree. Gotta find your own happiness!
And this... this is why I love GR. Brings a tear to my weary eyes.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

Don't worry, I'll take it easy on Daniel. I'll knock it down to only 30 lashings of the whip, a caning, 30 minutes of stone throwing, and the amputation of his left hand pinky finger. That should suffice.

The truth is, if you go to any other site, there is little to no community focus from the staff. We all have Daniel to thank for this being such a large part of GR, and I, like everyone else, want Daniel to continue the trend into the new year.

For he's a jolly good fellow... *sing it with me!*
Not_Anthony_Sev said:
Don't worry, I'll take it easy on Daniel. I'll knock it down to only 30 lashings of the whip, a caning, 30 minutes of stone throwing, and the amputation of his left hand pinky finger. That should suffice.

Sounds like Heavy Rain.

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