Comments for official reviews, not just member reviews?


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Staff member
You have the commetn submission for the member reviews and the manifesto entiries, but why not your reviews, or even screenshots and previews? That would be pretyt neat, and very unlike other review sites.

sidenote: Joe, your Gulliver's Travels reference in the Phoenix Wright review was hilarious.
Heh, thanks!

We'll probably expand Comments to other sections and features on the site, but we're all very reluctant to allow people to comment on our reviews.

Having said that, you've all disproven a lot of our fears by posting way fewer ascii penises than anticipated.
It was! I just wish you weren't so harsh on poor phoenix. He's an anime lawyer, he's allowed to have an 8 year old channelling a 30 year old with huge boobs!

Phoenix should have got A+!
I was actually just thinking the same thing right before I got to this thread. I was looking at the 'tour of GR headquarters' thing and wishing I could comment on how every doll on their wall represents a small child's tears on Christmas morning.

Also, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in buying a slightly beaten up Punch-Out themed wastepaper basket, straight outta the 80's.

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