Comic book showdown nominations

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The Scarecrow

The Arkham Family
Two-Face, Bane, Commissioner Gordon , Poison Ivy

Sorry, I just recently had a birthday and my Uncle gave me vol 141 of Batman in mint condition. So I've tried adding some Marvel characters.
Captain America
Martian Manhunter
Ghost Rider
Booster Gold

The Sirens
Ms. Marvel, Wonder Woman, The Wasp, Starfire
Okay, we need 12 more nominations for singles and 3 more groups.

If I don't get any more nominations I'm going to add characters to the singles who have only been nominated into a group. And we'll have to make due with 13 groups instead of 16.
Well, I really need 3 more groups so if you've already nominated, you can create and add another group into the showdow.
Alright, I got a team.

Second Rate:
War Machine, US Agent, Ben Reilly, Beta Ray Bill

Also, Lex Luthor really needs to be in singles. I mean, really.
Ummm, The Fantasitc Four, lol
Mr. Fantastic
Invisible Woman
The Human Torch

...I agree with Longo about Lex Luthor. Also, I don't know if it counts but consider throwing in Scott Pilgrim and Hit-Girl :)
Longo_2_guns said:
Lex Luthor really needs to be in singles. I mean, really.

He will be, along with a few others who were only nominated into a group.

WickedLiquid said:
I don't know if it counts but consider throwing in Scott Pilgrim and Hit-Girl

I only need 1 group left so I'll make a Scott Pilgrim group ok? Kick-Ass was a great movie but I'm pretty sure the movie and comic came out around the same time. Whereas Scott Pilgrim originated from the graphic novel.

Ok, Longo or whoever else is modding close this up and I'll begin the showdown shortly (just in time for Bret's showdown to wind down :) )
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