Can anyone give me 5 reasons to play the prince of persia?


I never played a prince of persia game and I fell i am missing something huge.

The reason I haven't played yet.... I am a cheapass. I need to feel that the game is well worth my cash. So, anyone can persuade me?
I haven't played it yet but from what I've read the five reasons are

1: It's next-gen Prince of Persia!
2: When a level is cleared of evil the level has not been completed yet (replay factor)
3: The new cell-shading looks awesome
4: The new control scheme has simplified the game for the most part, but at the same time it has also made the game more intense
5: There are no more group battles; everything is now one-on-one, making each fight that more epic and difficult.

And a sixth, when in doubt, see reason number one again.
I know the second I have money for myself I'm picking this baby up, it looks too amazing to not touch it. I believe that if you are a fan of the PoP series it will be a definite buy.
1. Elika is kind of cute.
2. Prince is very cute.
3. Art style and graphics can only be described as revolutionary.
4. There's really no other new game from last week that is more worth your cash.
5. Prince + magic = Aladdin!
I've never played the new one, it looks amazing.

It also looks less frustrating. The sands of time trilogy was frustrating for me due to the annoying combat! But this new one looks ace.

Apparently it can be completed in about 12 maybe rent it? Depending on how fast you complete a game? Me? I have no life, I can afford to go on 5-6 hour gaming slogs.
Well the other ones can be found for REALLY cheap, so try out the first in the series, then see if you want to play on through the others.
1. cool Graphics
2. Awesome deadly moves
3 Cool weapons
4. Stealth missions
5. awesome confronts with bosses

you got ur 5 reasons... now buy it! :P

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