Buying items that can be unlocked by playing the game?


I was on PSN last night and I was looking at the Add-on section again (cue broken record). Anyway, I noticed there was a download for like ten bucks to unlock all the cars or something in a game with the disclaimer that by playing the game all of this stuff can be unlocked. Now why the hell would I pay $60 bucks for a game and then $10 to cheat at the game?

I understand the idea of purchasing equipment or gold for MMOs where it takes forever to grind, but paying for all the cars to be unlocked in Need for Speed seems to defeat the purpose of the game. Would you guys be willing to purchase cheats over the network in order to comlplete conventionally single player campaign focused games? Also consider that unlike game shark where you could pay once for the device and then just find the codes they are putting out cheats at like $10 per game. Itunes for cheats...
That is crazy. That's meant to be the replayabiliy of the game.

Usually they just include a cheat code for that kind of thing....which is useful for if your taking a game over to a friends house and want all the cars unlocked without a memory card....but $10 download? No way.
Very, very lame. but if people will buy it someone's going to sell it. It's like a shitier idea than gamestop employees always trying to upsell you with the strategy guide for every game. At least with the strategy guide you can take in the can for a read when bored.
I'm not big on micro-transactions in general but especially when it comes to consoles.
I believe it hurts the market, alienating the old schoolers such as myself.

But there's no end in sight with online gaming having become the mandatory staple it is now for consoles when at one time it was but a pipe dream. It's nice to download a Patch for a console game... I GUESS.

But whatever, it all boils down to keeping your development team afloat. How much money can you make for Big Daddy EA or Activision, so I can't be too upset at the devs for trying.

If someone's willing to pay, fine, but don't leave out bits and pieces of the game only to sell them off to us for a quick buck 2 months after release. Ya Jackass.

Seal of Quality used to mean something 'round here...
I wouldn't, but evidently there are people who would since they keep doing it. The folks that made Gears of War played a real asshole move to prevent people from buying it used.
Chris_Crime said:
But whatever, it all boils down to keeping your development team afloat. How much money can you make for Big Daddy EA or Activision, so I can't be too upset at the devs for trying.

This is pretty much why I went from pretty much console-only gaming to mostly PC since the latest generation of consoles. How many indie games actually worth playing are there for consoles? None. With rare exceptions (that happen to make the bulk of my console games collection), on the PC I at least have a choice other than "shit money for the capitalist publishers that couldn't care any less about quality" and "violate intellectual property laws".
They did that for Katamari Damnacy too, for the cousins and stuff on X-Box live.

Who would ever pay for them is kind of foolish, but its a quick way to get an achievement though.
Be more specific next time Ting. Your right, I haven't seen those types of bundles but depending on how well the selling of other cheats goes it might be something we'll see in the future .

Hopefully not.

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