Biggest FML moments of gaming


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Trying to salvage an unwinnable savepoint
Sisyphus was a chronic liar, who was punished by the gods to push a colossal boulder up a never-ending hill. But his ordeals were nothing compared to the pain of a poorly timed savepoint. Whether we dumped an item required to progress or bookmarked a battle before an inevitable loss, some arrogant inner pride stops us from throwing in the towel and starting the entire level over. Even if we’re fully aware that we’re already predestined to fail, maybe this valiant attempt will be different. Spoiler: It never is.

Holy shit yes.

Dying after finally beating an annoying boss
This boss might have taken you down before, but no! This time, things will be different. You've planned it perfectly, and as long as you stick to your plans, you'll defeat this horrible monster. Just... one... more... yes! You did it! Now it's as simple as--please no. After being left in a weakened state post-battle, you've been felled by a much weaker foe. It's no problem, the quicksave must have kicked in after you took down the boss, so it's just a matter of...nope. Wow. We think it's time we went outside for a little while.

This happened to me not long ago. I forget what game it was but God damn was it annoying. Or when you and the boss kill each other at the exact same time. Yeah. FML indeed.
Beating Splinter Cell on realistic and it not giving me the achievement due to some bug or whatever.

Fuck you Conviction. You weren't even as good as the others.
I can relate to the boss thing -

Playing through Donkey Kong Country 2, and the end of worlds obviously have a boss at the end of each. HOWEVER, the next world has a couple of levels you have to complete before you get to any save point. Many times have I died on those levels, which then awaken me to the boss level on the previous world again!

Sucks dicks.
Pretty much anything regarding not being awarded an achievement/skill point because of a glitch.

I'm busting my nuts (and bolts) over one right now on Ratchet and Clank 2. That game also has a problem with how painfully slow some weapons gain EXP.

And corrupted data. Nothing more depressing than corrupt save files. Or games that only have one save slot, and your file just "mysteriously" disappears one day.
Green_Lantern said:
Beating Splinter Cell on realistic and it not giving me the achievement due to some bug or whatever.
Any sort of achievement bug glitch whatever. I fucking hate that shit.

Also writing that there's no dodge but then finding out that it was only like that because you didn't grind enough to "buy" the dodge. Pretty much any time I publish a mistake (too often).
danielrbischoff said:
Also writing that there's no dodge but then finding out that it was only like that because you didn't grind enough to "buy" the dodge. Pretty much any time I publish a mistake (too often).
Haha, Reveangeance. I never thought that game was a good idea.
danielrbischoff said:
Also writing that there's no dodge but then finding out that it was only like that because you didn't grind enough to "buy" the dodge. Pretty much any time I publish a mistake (too often).
So... you gonna send me your copy? I mean, you didn't like it and all...
Don't derail Lethean's thread.

Another FML moment in gaming? Forgetting to fucking save. I know this is next to impossible to do with auto-saves these days, but fuckingshitfucker I hated it when I'd lose hours of gameplay because I didn't save.
danielrbischoff said:
Don't derail Lethean's thread.
So... yes? It's my birthday in a month.

Master_Craig said:
Pretty much every death I've suffered in Dark Souls 2.
Man, the worst for me was in Dark Souls when I suffered a data corruption. WELP TIME TO JUST REDO 40 HOURS OF GAMEPLAY.

And let's not forget the classic "go one way, realize there was something good the other way, but now you can't go back" that happens way too much.
Longo you just reminded me of another FML, but like on a miniature scale, constantly repeating:

Obsessively checking a corner or dead end and finding abso-fucking-lutely nothing. Why is this here then?!
The Nintendo Entertainment System, your parents help you hook up.

But they don't tell you every game will make you go FML....










WickedLiquid said:

That Dragon is one of the easiest bosses in MM2. It dies fast with just the basic weapon.

The room where you have to use the crash bombs later in the Wily stages on the otherhand FML.
Affen said:
WickedLiquid said:

That Dragon is one of the easiest bosses in MM2. It dies fast with just the basic weapon.

The room where you have to use the crash bombs later in the Wily stages on the otherhand FML.

Boomerang that sucka! Kills him in about 2 seconds. Looks like that's what pink Mega Man is rocking in the pic, the boomerang.

I hate making jumps I'm not supposed to (Borderlands 2) and getting stuck between textures, or sometimes getting glitched into a wall or mountain (Skyrim). Even worse if I hadn't saved in a while.

And yeah, the auto aim on RDR made that game way too easy. L1, Fire, repeat.
Skyrim you can fast travel though, right? In morrowind you couldn't (without making it to a specific location) so a mis-timed jump could get you stuck and ruin your shit good.

Also in morrowind though, your acrobatics skill would increase the more you used it. So it encouraged jumping around where you shouldn't and getting stuck on stuff.

Man I love elder scrolls.
i'm not ashamed to say I put a rubber band around my analog sticks, crouched in my underwear, and spun around in mini-perfect circles behind my horse in an area I knew no dragons would spawn. Left it playing on through the night like this.
The next morning my Sneek skill was maxed out. aww yeah :cool:

that horse was my finest steed. I lost him when I found out the hard way that the game deals fall damage to horses when taking a running jump off of High Hrothgar :cry:

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