Apparently, science is dead

I skimmed it. As ridiculously as she may put it, she has a point at the part where she says that scientists aren't really truly educated in religion, and, therefore, cannot describe the house if they've only been in one room so to speak. I refuse to listen to any scientist that completely denies the idea of Creationism without even giving it a chance.
-FCM- said:
I skimmed it. As ridiculously as she may put it, she has a point at the part where she says that scientists aren't really truly educated in religion, and, therefore, cannot describe the house if they've only been in one room so to speak. I refuse to listen to any scientist that completely denies the idea of Creationism without even giving it a chance.
What evidence has been compiled that supports it? The bible? Hardly a credible source for the truth. I agree that all possibilities should be looked at before concluding anything, but really, there's nothing to look at. Only stories describe it, no evidence.
It's a he.

And I admire your drive to find something wortwhile in that essay, but personally, its sickening trash and very indicative of the problems the Bushite problems with pesky facts and science.
It's a he.

And I admire your drive to find something wortwhile in that essay, but personally, its sickening trash and very indicative of the problems the Bush-ite problems with pesky facts and science.
TheNesMan said:
-FCM- said:
I skimmed it. As ridiculously as she may put it, she has a point at the part where she says that scientists aren't really truly educated in religion, and, therefore, cannot describe the house if they've only been in one room so to speak. I refuse to listen to any scientist that completely denies the idea of Creationism without even giving it a chance.
What evidence has been compiled that supports it? The bible? Hardly a credible source for the truth. I agree that all possibilities should be looked at before concluding anything, but really, there's nothing to look at. Only stories describe it, no evidence.

Theres plenty of evidence to support happenings in the Bible.. we just never hear of it... and that's as far as I'll go, and I totally agree with -FCM-...
intoTheRain said:
TheNesMan said:
-FCM- said:
I skimmed it. As ridiculously as she may put it, she has a point at the part where she says that scientists aren't really truly educated in religion, and, therefore, cannot describe the house if they've only been in one room so to speak. I refuse to listen to any scientist that completely denies the idea of Creationism without even giving it a chance.
What evidence has been compiled that supports it? The bible? Hardly a credible source for the truth. I agree that all possibilities should be looked at before concluding anything, but really, there's nothing to look at. Only stories describe it, no evidence.

Theres plenty of evidence to support happenings in the Bible.. we just never hear of it... and that's as far as I'll go, and I totally agree with -FCM-...

A lot of Biblical details are factual, but they are mostly related to history; i.e., they express historical details that are verifiable through anthropological studies, etc. The Bible is not scientific in any way, shape, or form; being a religious document, it is filled to the brim with religious dogma (i.e., normative ramblings that reflect cultural idiosyncrasies). Creationism--like the various other mythological stories that saturate the Bible--is not scientific. In other words, it is not examined in college biology textbooks at reputable universities because it is not a theory. Scholarly scientific journals do not provide it with serious attention, the scientific community does not take it seriously, and its study remains isolated to various religious institutions that play a negligible role in the progression of academic thought on a world scale. The debate over the legitimacy of evolutionary theory is over. I offer you my condolences.
Paradox said:
just out of curiosity, what is this evidence you speak of?

this is one subject I choose not to venture into.. as I will be gang raped by twenty angry nerds, spluging their atheist/evolutionist jism all over my face..

i believe what i believe due to the research I have done, and the experiences I have.. experienced??

that is all.. sorry...

Ahahaha, quality.

Also, I cannot believe IntoTheRain's last post. "I have evidence, but i'm not going to give it, just take my word for it". What if it went down that way in court? "I have evidence Dave_Matthews is a rapist. I'm not going to present it, but it's firm and conclusive. Take him away."
malakian said:
Ahahaha, quality.

Also, I cannot believe IntoTheRain's last post. "I have evidence, but i'm not going to give it, just take my word for it". What if it went down that way in court? "I have evidence Dave_Matthews is a rapist. I'm not going to present it, but it's firm and conclusive. Take him away."

it's not court, and i don't care what anyone here thinks about my views on this topic.. and i never said it's firm, and conclusive by any means, i just said there is evidence... it's just what i think..

and i'm probably the only poster on this board who believes in God, i'd almost be willing to bet.. it's a board full of nerds, nerds believe in science, not God... why would I argue with twenty posters, a good number of which would verbally anhialate me with or without an argument of any sort...


moving on..

EDIT : just noticed the "just take my word for it"..

this was in no way said in my post.. shouldn't even have wasted my time defending myself.. but thats to be expected from you.. anything for an argument..
ok, then i take it back, there is no evidence :lol:

continue on, wise ones

btw firewall.. there is nothing wrong with me posting my opinion on a forum, and not backing it up.. did I bash anyone else, did I say anyone was wrong? no.. so chill out.. i simply stated my opinion...
Ah the age old Science Vs. Religion debate.

What is wrong with the two co-existing? I'm a Catholic, and was educated as such - however I am a firm follower of Science also. However, I repsect other peoples beliefs and take the time to listen to them. Sometimes scientists can be incredibly wrong.

When the steam train was invented they said that anyone travelling at 30mph was sure to suffer from brain damage. And fences were erected along the sides of tracks to prevent 'pedestrians' from witnessing the destruction of one's brain.

Bit far fetched eh?

The Bible is studied in one of two ways. As a religious text purely for the education of Religion and as a historical text. Historians use it as a reference to events - and FireWall the scientific community do use the bible as far as using it as a reference is concerned. It's teachings maybe taken with a pinch of salt but it's contents and information inadvertantly given are used.

It's historical details relate to many things considered important to the way we live in our world today. The great flood, with our friend Noah was a reference to a possible large geological event. As the world was a far smaller place when the text was originally written (small not in size but merely understanding) it is quite possible that such an event did happen.

The Bible is an important text for both these esteemed communities. The bottom line is that when all faith in science has gone we still have faith in faith. Our beliefs are still there, if you are an athiest then that's fine. But you still believe in nothing don't you?

The Religion Vs. Science debate will keep going even if science can some how proove the non-existance of Captain God with the Big Beard/other deity of your choice hands down. It's like the Egg and Chicken debate or indeed the age old question: "How long is a piece of string?"

An absolutely fascinating topic for discussion though, I must admit.
Quinnykins said:
What is wrong with the two co-existing?

Nothing, and it is important to note that they are not mutually exclusive.

Quinnykins said:
Sometimes scientists can be incredibly wrong.

Yes, and when legitimate scientists realize that they are wrong, they formulate new hypotheses, perform additional experiments, and draw new conclusions. Religion does not.

Quinnykins said:
The Bible is studied in one of two ways. As a religious text purely for the education of Religion and as a historical text. Historians use it as a reference to events - and FireWall the scientific community do use the bible as far as using it as a reference is concerned. It's teachings maybe taken with a pinch of salt but it's contents and information inadvertantly given are used.

The Bible and creationism are two different concepts. I never maintained that the Bible lacks scholarly significance. As I stated in my original reply, its contents are important due to their historical significance.

Quinnykins said:
The bottom line is that when all faith in science has gone we still have faith in faith.

Science is not susceptible to a lack of faith because it does not require faith.

Quinnykins said:
The Religion Vs. Science debate will keep going even if science can some how proove the non-existance of Captain God with the Big Beard/other deity of your choice hands down. It's like the Egg and Chicken debate or indeed the age old question: "How long is a piece of string?"

In response, I will provide one of my favorite quotations. In reference to "Loose Change 2nd Edition," Ted Goranson writes:

"I recommend you see this. I do. Its because it helps illustrate the sheer lunacy of belief. When people want to believe something, no fact, no confrontation with logic or reality will deter that belief, rationalizations and explanations growing to immense complexity. Blind spots enlarge to nearly the entire field of vision.

"Its an absolutely amazing phenomenon and it makes you wonder what beliefs you hold yourself that have some conspiratorial agency. This silly, offensive thing really did make me wonder if there is someone somewhere who knows me to be as stupid in some of my assumptions as I think these guys are."

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