Adventure games


I miss the adventure games. Been through all Monkey island games several times (which is silly, there's no challenge once you know the solutions), and apparently it ended there.
Now I'm left with revisiting 10 year old LucasArts games, Discworld and web based escape games.
I hate this. Graphics killed the adventure games, it secured a reign of first person shooters. Recently Valve used Portal as a basis for saying graphics have reached roughly the level they can be, that intelligent games would soon beat the pretty games. I hope that they are right, and that we will soon see the return of the puzzles. I hope Full Throttle 2 comes back in development. Damn it, I want it!
I've been downloading every random Adventure game of any kind of quality that I can find to try and relive the joy of playing the best of them lately, including the newer Sam and Max games which I enjoy greatly. Really though, I've put more hours into Full Throttle and Fate of Atlantis replays than any other games, ever. :( I love you adventure!
I consider many games to be Adventure, but I'm stunned to learn they are either RPG or Platform. I will never know completely what the true definition of an adventure game is, but God of War 3 will come eventually
Heh well you still have the Myst games, 1 up to a lot, if that is your cup of tea. I still remember many of the old adventure games, Monkey Island and Atlantis are good examples.. but I am sure there were more, I just can't think of the names any more right now.
Has it crossed your minds that maybe the reason they stopped making them is because they actually weren't that good?
You know, Other than the "Sam & Max episodes" and the "Chzo Mythos", I don't really like adventure games. I find them very boring and tedious. Allot of fans of the genre may tell you that the ejoyment of adventure games come from the sense of achievment you recieve for solving a puzzle. The problem is however, that you can easily solve the majority of the puzzles in most games by clicking on everything with no risk whatsoever.
I feel you! Classic adventure games like Monkey Island and Full Throttle were truly special. Unfortunately, the genre isn’t as popular today, with first-person shooters dominating. Hopefully, Valve's thoughts on puzzles making a comeback are a sign of change. I’d love to see Full Throttle 2 or similar games return! In the meantime, you might find some indie adventure games or even some fun puzzles on sites like unblocked games 6969, which offers a range of unblocked games that could scratch that adventure game itch.

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