It also depends on the culture.
If you're from a place where the public does not agree that videogames can be hurtfull, then a comment like that falls to the ground (Hard).
We have had the debate about videogames here, and since early 1930's the public has been afraid of certain things have been invoking violent behaviour.
Not because of videogames in the 30's but because of tin soldiers, that looked like real current time soldiers.
And people wanted to get them banned because they might provoke the kids to shot eachother.
Later on when D&D came, religious people starting getting upset about kids pretending to be warlords and warriors killing of fantasy hordes of evil.
So the thing about videogames getting blaimed for violence should not come as a surprise, but it is just absurd for those of us that have been playing videogames most of our lives and never had a violent behaviour.
With that in mind, I will also say that if you are easily influenced by violent situations, if it comes from a book, TV or your gaming console, then you should perhaps get some council.
Thankfully they have not banned a single video game here yet!
If you're from a place where the public does not agree that videogames can be hurtfull, then a comment like that falls to the ground (Hard).
We have had the debate about videogames here, and since early 1930's the public has been afraid of certain things have been invoking violent behaviour.
Not because of videogames in the 30's but because of tin soldiers, that looked like real current time soldiers.
And people wanted to get them banned because they might provoke the kids to shot eachother.
Later on when D&D came, religious people starting getting upset about kids pretending to be warlords and warriors killing of fantasy hordes of evil.
So the thing about videogames getting blaimed for violence should not come as a surprise, but it is just absurd for those of us that have been playing videogames most of our lives and never had a violent behaviour.
With that in mind, I will also say that if you are easily influenced by violent situations, if it comes from a book, TV or your gaming console, then you should perhaps get some council.
Thankfully they have not banned a single video game here yet!