Bringing the fight to the schools


Well, not really. Im trying to show that video games DONT bring violence to schools. Im going to write a report about how video game violence does not lead to real violence. I love this site for that, because its full of things like that, but the whole reason Im making this post is to ask for links to websites that have perfect facts and stories for this.

Long live the three kingdoms, Snake, and rock legends.
you won't find many, at least scholarly ones. Check googe for video game violence and the affects, you might get a scholarly journal in there maybe.
Do not cite wikipedia as a source

Are you writing this for a highschool or college paper?

Anyways, if it's for college, go to your library and ask about databases like EBSCOhost. You'll probably won't find anything really on ebsco but there are other databases that might help, especially ones that focus on newspaper articles like newsbank. And if you're in highschool, you can still probably go to a university or community college library near you and ask for help using the databases anyways, although you wouldn't be able to use the computers there since you wouldn't be a student there.

There are articles out there because I wrote a research paper on the same thing for my English class.

Also, I do believe if you look back far enough in gamerevolution's manifestos, someone wrote about how teen and/or adolescent violence has actually gone down since the introduction of consoles like the ps1.

Found it
Don't cite Wikipedia, but by all means read what it says and if there is anything useful see if it's sourced. If it's sourced, read and then cite the source.
A Google scholar search of the words "video game" AND "violence" shows at least two literature reviews, which gather and asses the state of knowledge on video games' potential effects on behavior. You'll want to locate and read the cited articles on your own, though, to determine how the relationship is assessed, how carefully the data were gathered, what controls were used, how carefully the authors tested for spurious evidence, etc.

If you have access to a university library with a good publication database and periodical section, try a keyword search for "video games," "behavior," "violence," "adolescents" (since a common theme among media scaremongering seems to be deleterious effects of videogames among the oh-so-impressionable youth), and others, and see where that takes you. Periodicals staff can also be quite useful, if asked. Shoot for psychology or developmental health publications, if you can (though certainly not exclusively), and remember to check the references section of any reports you find, if the authors cite any previous research; no sense in ignoring good research, and a thorough reading of early studies will help you build a robust literature review of your own. Remember, even if an article posits a relationship between gaming and violence, you'll want to asses the strength of that relationship, since scientists are not above half-assed research.

Good luck. Now I wish I were doing this, myself. :(
Thank you all so much! This is a highschool report, and Ill be posting the entire thing in a blog when Im done, but for now here is my second paragraph.

Playing video games such as Grand Theft Auto doesn’t make you want to go outside and steal a car, yet that is what it’s thought of doing. Grand Theft Auto 4 recently came out, and already there are reports of “violence resulting from the type of people who play this game.â€
Actually now that games are so close to simulating real life I feel that I dont need to actually kill people anymore.

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