Watching CNN


Everythings cool, talking about Adam Lanza.. and then it happens...

They try to blame it on Adam Lanza playing video games. Forget his mental illness, his withdrawn personality, the fact that his mother owned guns and took him to shooting ranges, his parents divorce, his brother not talking to him for over two years, his lack of social contact because he was taken out of school..

It was definitely Warcraft 3 and Starcraft that made him kill a bunch of innocent children and teachers.


Am I the only one that wants to go on my own murderous rampage when I hear this shit every God damned time. It's fucking embarrassing, what do people have against video games.

What about violence in books, violence on TV, violence on the news. Why is it that violent video games seem to be the only form of media that makes people decide to kill innocent people for the lolz.
You know, Grandma doesn't seem to mind. No one in the establishment's really getting upset about this issue, it's mainly us nerds. Actually, the establishment has become pretty nerdy itself. But if Hot Coffee didn't stop video games, nothing will. I'm cool with it.

Video games and consoles rarely if ever make the news, though they're ever evolving. This is sort of like a video game update for the rest of the world, but not much else.

But if not, re-introduce grandma to Wii bowling. That oughta shut her yap.
You mean the same CNN that posted a person with the same name as the shooter's facebook page all over the place without even verifying that it was the same person?

Color me surprised.
The Sun is running a front page about how he played CoD and how it's entirely responsible.

Fear Mongering/Sensationalist headlines sell, guys. The trick is to find the twats who get in an uproar over anything the mainstream media tells them to without research and add them to the depopulation list, along with feminists and those things that use something like 'xxThEgOdGaMerxx' for their gamertag.
madster111 said:
The Sun is running a front page about how he played CoD and how it's entirely responsible.

Fear Mongering/Sensationalist headlines sell, guys. The trick is to find the twats who get in an uproar over anything the mainstream media tells them to without research and add them to the depopulation list, along with feminists and those things that use something like 'xxThEgOdGaMerxx' for their gamertag.

hence asking who said this on CNN.

Because I would expect them to know a little better. After watching Anderson Cooper almost refuse to mention the killers name on TV but instead talking about the victims more...I don't know it gave me hope that we were learning from this a bit.
Green_Lantern said:
You mean the same CNN that posted a person with the same name as the shooter's facebook page all over the place without even verifying that it was the same person?

Color me surprised.

I prefer CNN over Fox news, and many other major news stations, and I'm pretty sure most news stations have made stupid mistakes. I have a lot of respect for many of the people at CNN. I'm sure CNN isn't the first news station to mention video games as a potential motive.

No different than most news stations on the planet saying Anders Breivik likely massacred people because he played World of Warcraft.

As for who said it, I actually didn't recognize the girl who reported it, and I watch CNN a lot, it's always on at work.

I'll be watching it again shortly I'll try and catch the name, because if CNN does one thing well, it's report the same shit over and over again, from morning until night.
LinksOcarina said:
After watching Anderson Cooper almost refuse to mention the killers name on TV but instead talking about the victims more...I don't know it gave me hope that we were learning from this a bit.
I saw this too and I was like "OK, let's move in this direction, stop the fear propaganda etc"

Then, the next morning on Talk of the Nation NPR, Neal Conan started arguing with a caller who said we should stop using the killer's name. He practically shouted over the guy saying "nooooo noooo first amendment first amendment!"

Totally strange. I guess this is why CNN is at the bottom of the ladder in ratings.
I read online that his favorite video game was actually Dance Dance Revolution. It all makes sense now.......

Anyways, I'm totally sick of the media circle-jerk that is going on with it right now. Yeah, the whole thing is tragic and we do need to deal with the gun problem in this country, but the level of exploitation of the whole thing just pisses me off. It really got to me during the Niners game the other night, not because they bumped it for the president's speech, but because of how during the tributes & stuff they kept zooming in on the faces of any children there.

All I can see right now are a bunch of tasteless, classless "journalists" running around with erections because they have another ratings-generating tragedy to cover.
danielrbischoff said:
LinksOcarina said:
After watching Anderson Cooper almost refuse to mention the killers name on TV but instead talking about the victims more...I don't know it gave me hope that we were learning from this a bit.
I saw this too and I was like "OK, let's move in this direction, stop the fear propaganda etc"

Then, the next morning on Talk of the Nation NPR, Neal Conan started arguing with a caller who said we should stop using the killer's name. He practically shouted over the guy saying "nooooo noooo first amendment first amendment!"

Totally strange. I guess this is why CNN is at the bottom of the ladder in ratings.

Best not be talkin' bad about NPR.
Nah, I love NPR. That whole discussion yesterday was great actually. Aside from that one bit, the host kept swatting away callers who were blaming video games. They'd call in and be like "it's violence on TV" and he'd be like "there's no connection, next caller."

I always argued there is nothing wrong with experiencing taboo concepts in a virtual environment in which you arn't harming a real person. I don't believe in censorship. I believe in personal responsibility even if it ends in a few jackoffs giving video game players a bad name.

Its good to hear the host had a good head on shoulders.

If you guys didnt see it a horde of hysterical people flocked to Facebook to blame Mass Effect 3

Mob Blames Mass Effect For School Shooting, Is Embarrassingly Wrong ... ngly-wrong
I wish I could blame Mass Effect 3 every time I have a problem.

"You crashed into my car!"
"Well, it's because of Mass Effect 3!"
"Oh. Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Have a good day."
Longo_2_guns said:
I wish I could blame Mass Effect 3 every time I have a problem.

"You crashed into my car!"
"Well, it's because of Mass Effect 3!"
"Oh. Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Have a good day."

You mean you don't already?

Man the gaming community needs to let go...
Sounds like left wing propaganda bullshit to help red states cling to their guns....

No no, it's not giving out guns that's the problem, it's video games. We should take away first person shooters and instead give our kids guns to protect themselves. :roll: Brilliant idea. Also let's ban any angry music because kids don't need an outlet for their stress, it just creates serial killers.... :roll: :roll: :roll:

These idiots are living in a fantasy world and they don't even play video games, how ironic
Longo_2_guns said:
I wish I could blame Mass Effect 3 every time I have a problem.

"You crashed into my car!"
"Well, it's because of Mass Effect 3!"
"Oh. Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Have a good day."

If only....

It's not my fault your honor. In GTA San Andreas it's perfectly normal to drive on the wrong side of the road and then lead the police on a cross country chase while a screaming hooker is in the passenger seat.

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