A Gallery of Great Final Bosses


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***First and foremost - spoiler alerts within, duh.***

I just played the Dragon's Dogma final boss...and it was actually surprisingly good.


I loved the different situations displayed throughout, the choice at the beginning (which is needless, but still), the sprint through the tunnel (you can run really fast here...but whatever), the bridge escape/tower climb, the ride of the dragon...and then the battle itself.
Whilst I hate the word - it was epic. Which was as a battle with a dragon should be! And the main thing was - I was satisfied. Because don't you just hate it when a final boss gets built up throughout the game, only to be incredibly dissapointed?

I'm not saying it's the best at all, it definitely isn't. It just reaches "great" for me actually. But its what triggered the topic! It just got me thinking. There are other final bosses that I feel are immense, but I wont steal them all ;).

Name your favourite final boss battles cossacks!
I've mentioned it before, but the final boss of Ace Combat Zero is still one of the best I've ever played, if not just because it both forces you to think on your feet and still tests you on everything you learned.

It takes the flight skills of every ace you went up against prior, makes it even more skilled, gives it a bunch of dangerous weapons, and then when that's all said and done follows along with the Arthurian theme and makes you fly straight at it to deal damage, essentially creating fighter jet jousting. Oh, and you only have 5 minutes to win it. All while this is playing.. Not to mention they manage to still make the fight emotional by having a lot of character built up for the boss himself.

Yeah, it's a pretty solid boss.

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