
The Last Place You’d Expect to Call Home

It’s been over a year since the apocalypse. Our last group were surviving out on open waters, fishing for food and trying to maintain their sanity amongst the endless blue. They were the lucky ones.

Somewhere in the Midwest another group of survivors were working on their own survival. They are:

The Mercenaries

In charge of taking out the undead and keeping the group safe. Without proper mercenaries the group are vulnerable to attacks, leading in injuries and possible death amongst the group.

The Doctors

The apocalypse is a dangerous place and eventually you’re going to need medical attention. Doctors are in charge of healing those in the group who need to be looked after.

The Scavengers
Green Lantern

Supplies are a must-have! Scavengers will have to make a choice each day and decide if they should supply the group with food, ammo, or medical supplies. Without supplies, everyone will become useless and hence the group will suffer and die.

The Chef

He’s not the best cook in the world but somebody needs to keep track of the food and ensure everyone is eating to keep their strength up. The chef decides who gets to eat and who can skip a meal.

The builder

The builder has many uses, from working on shelter fortifications to repairing essential items needed for your survival.

In the several months the group have been together there has been nowhere for them to call home, they’ve always been moving from house to house, always on the move. All piled up in Dan’s RV, the group would move from one house to another, clean it out, and continue moving on to the other house before zombies could crowd around them.
It was a good system but after several months of this routine the group were beginning to wish there was a place they could make camp and call home. But until then, it was morning and the group had work to do.

Dan pulled up to what looked like a safe house. There were only a couple zombies to take out, easy enough for our mercenaries. Dan turned the RV off, it was short on fuel but luckily there was just enough he could use to fill her up.

Day 1
OBJECTIVE: Clean out the house for supplies

There are several zombies outside a large house, two of you take out the zombies outside while the other two enter the house and take kill any that may be inside. You all have enough ammo for this mission.

Once two mercenaries have cleared the way, and the other two have entered the house, follow them in and grab what you can. You must decide between getting food, ammo, or health supplies.

Dan has been driving for two days straight, he refuses to get some rest but as the doctor it is advised you offer him some medication to help him relax. De-Ting has also been suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, he’ll need you to prescribe him something… and fast.

You are out of food, once a scavenger brings you food it is suggested you feed everyone.

You need to fill the RV up with fuel in order to escape at the end of the day.
I'm going inside. Crush some zombie skulls and poke around for a new weapon.
I'm with used (eh) -- I'm bustin' down doors, kicking asses. Going in guns blazing, or piano wire severing, or something. Die, zombie scum.
Since there's no indication of how much ammo and medicine we have, but it's clear we've all just been fed our only food, I'll scavenge some more grub for later.

Food, please.
I'll scavenge Tingy's pockets and get some food for the group.


I shall follow the mecercenary elite, and grab some medical supplies for the quacks to use.

As I've been doing for the last few weeks, I'm shouting out my kill count as I clear the house. Just a little friendly competition between me and the other mercs. Like Gimli and Legolas at the battle of Helm's Deep. I will not lose!


*smash a zombie skull with my dull axe*


I look eagerly toward Sightless, her gloved hands gripping the dirty piano wire around another biter's throat.

She rolls her eyes. She has not been playing along.

Boom! Headshot! The last zombie on the premise dropped as Lien lowered his gun. Affen looked down the road, the noise from the gunfire hadn't attracted a crowd. Him and Lien moved towards the house to see the scavengers and other mercs exiting. They were able to clean it out and found two days of food and meds.

Everyone piled into the RV and with it full of gas, Dan drove off into the sunset.

As HK fed everyone, the doctors were working on keeping the group safe. One of those doctors, Jim, walked up to the passenger seat to give Dan something to help him relax.

Taking the doctor's advise, Dan decided to let someone else drive. As he looked to pull over, he noticed a large building off in the distance. He decided to drive a little further to scope it out. It was a large prison.

The RV stopped and after Dan pulled over Used and Sightless jumped out to give it a look over; the out side appeared to be deserted. But what was inside? Perhaps a safe place for protection? Not to mention the possibillites of what kinds of supplies are in there. Lots of ammo could be sitting in there, along with food and meds.

But who knows what dangers await? Could this be a death trap or just the boost they need?

PM your vote
A) Infiltrate the prison on sunrise.


B) Have someone take over for Dan and continue driving down the road.
Wow, we're actually tied at 5-5. Good thing we have 11 players.

I'll wait for the slowpoke and see if we can continue tomorrow.
A) Infiltrate the prison on sunrise. - 5 votes
B) Have someone take over for Dan and continue driving down the road. - 6 votes

The group felt a bit divided about the prison but in the end they made the call to keep on driving and hoped they would come across something else. GL jumped behind the wheel and Dan slept all night.

By morning Dan and a few others awoke. They were in the middle of nowhere. GL was driving down a deserted road through a thick forest that appeared to be paved recently.

"Where did you take us?" De-Ting asked, walking up to the passenger seat.

"I just kept heading North." GL shrugged.

It seems the group passed up a chance to settle in somewhere safe with a plethora of food, ammo and meds inside. Now they were stranded deep out in the woods.

"Did you see a place to get fuel anywhere?" Dan asked standing between GL and Ting.

GL looked down at the fuel gauge, it was almost on empty and he knew Dan used the last of their gas during the last house run. He looked over to Dan and gave a slight nod that they were screwed. Dan put his hands on his head frustrated but before he could burst GL slammed on the breaks. Sightless tumbled over on top of Lien who knocked Used off his feet who fell up front into Dan and they all took a minute to get off each other!

"What the hell man!" Used yelled at GL.

"There are people up ahead..." GL proclaimed pointing out the windsheild.

Sure enough, there were around 6 - 7 survivors who were screaming as they were running right towards the RV. Off in the distance were zombies, 20 or so coming for them.

"Shit!" Lien said loading his gun.

Time to clear the road...

All 4 of you need to form a line and pick off the zombies. You each have just enough ammo for this mission. If all 4 don't sign in there will be casualities and you will not save all 7.

Once the road is cleared, the survivours will thank you with ammo, food or meds. Choose carefully. You have no ammo or meds in your supplies but 1 day of food.

Two of the survivors are badly injured. If you can treat their wounds today they will be able to reward your group at the end of the day. You have no meds and need some from a scavenger first.

You have 1 days supply. However you may choose to give some food to these survivors. Doing so will reward your group at the end of the day. If you choose to give away some food you will not be feeding two people from your group, so name the two people who will not be eating.

The RV is low on fuel. But there's a few cars scattered on the road. Try to see if you can get something out of them.
Amongst this group of people running towards the RV there are two who are greatly injuried.

These survivours can greatly reward the group depending on the mercs, doctors, and the chef.

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