Very well, i train HK, Daniel and Ciberjim.

Remember, the pointy parts goes into the enemy... That's the bullets by the way.
With the group sorting out their weapons De-Ting found a map from the gas station. Their destination was the CDC, but with zero supplies and the group going hungry they'd have to decide the best way to get there.

"STABBY STABBY!" Matt said with glee at the sight of his new arm.

"Whoa there" Gunner said a little afraid. "You still need to rest Matt."

"I think we could all use a night's rest." Affen said walking in with his trainees.

"Good call," HK agreed. "We can head out tomorrow at sunrise."


Which direction will the group travel?

A) North.
The CDC is directly to the North of the gas station. They can cut across an open field and sneak into the city on foot. No supplies will be found if you head in this direction but there are also no zombies to be seen along the vast open field.

B) East
To the East is a small town. Raid the town for supplies then find a vehicle to drive into the city where the CDC is. Many supplies to be found, but also many zombies.

C) West
Train tracks are to the West of the gas station. Follow the tracks to an abandoned train and ride on into the city with ease. Little supplies to be found but also little danger of zombies.
A) North - 1 vote
B) East - 1 vote
C) West - 6 votes

CDC! It's as easy as 1 2 3!


After a much needed nights rest the group head out West towards the train tracks. Wendy had mentioned she saw an abandoned train along there before her chopper crashed and the group thought it would be best to follow the tracks into the City.

It wasn't long before they made it to the tracks and sure enough there was a train just up ahead.

"Think we can get it running?" Lien asked.

"Leave it to me!" Dan said with pride walking on up ahead.

Scavengers looked inside to see if there was anything they could salvage. Matt opened the door to a box car when BAM! A zombie came right for him. He quickly stabbed the sucker in the brain with glee as the zombie fell down to the group. Matt looked back and smiled to the group but the group did look impressed. Matt turned around in confusion to look inside and several other zombies were inside coming right for him.

They then could hear the shuffling of zombies feet drag along the ground out side.

Without any ammo the group were going to have to work hard to survive this one.

You've got a box car full of zombies to clean out, you need ammo from the scavengers. You need to wait on a scavenger to toss you some ammo.
Weapons: Handguns

In another section of the train there appears to be an armory of some sort. There is also food in the dinning car. One of you can grab ammo for the mercs, one of you can give ammo to the doctors while the third can supply food to HK.

Nobody needs medical treatment, Matt seems to be doing ok. You can help take the zombies out that are shuffling along outside but first you need ammo.
Weapons: Shotgun and Rifle

You have no food but the group hasn't eaten in awhile and are going hungry. Once you receive some food you can cook them up a nice meal.

Get the damn train running!
cyberjim2000 said:
*cocks shotgun* Time to administer some kick ass.
Right behind you... i'd give you gums but... i'm all out of it.

*fakes clock his handgun and makes a "Click" sounds with his mouth.*
Hey HK!

I found some crisps, crumpets, a cucumber and a few tins of beans!
I'll cut the cucumber for you :brow:
I'll fix up some food for ya gits thanks to Matt pip pip! Tally ho and cook up a good meal ol' bean! Jolly good show! I'll feed 'em when it's possible gov'nor.
Affen and Lien stated cleaning out the box car. BLAM! BLAM! Headshot after headshot the zombies began to drop. While outside the two doctors were taking on a different role, sniping and blowing away the few zombies walking around out side.

"Hey Dan, any day now!" Matt said rushing up to the front of the train. A zombie quickly jumped out and Matt disposed of it with a quick stab to the head.

"Uhhhh, yeah, no prob." Dan was flicking buttons and switches trying to figure out how to get the damn thing going. "You didn't find any drugs did you?" He joked to Matt.

"Damnit Dan!" GL yelled following Matt. He found another section full of ammo and loaded his SMG. "Just start the damn train!" He opened fire on a few up ahead.

"Let's see now..." Dan said looking over the levers. "AH-HA!" He yelled in excitement.

"Got it?" Gunner asked blowing a hole where a zombie's head used to be.

Dan shrugged, "Nah man, I found some drugs" he said with delight. "....Just kidding!"

He started up the train and it slowly began to move, picking up speed and getting faster and faster.

"WOO-HOO!" HK yelled with joy as he stuck his head out the window to feel the breeze hit his face.

He stuck his head back in and cooked up some beans with crumpets and somehow a bag of English Crisps. Matt sliced up some cucumbers....AFTER cleaning the zombie guts off his knife.

Dan bugged the doctors for some morphine. But Jim was too busy figuring out a way to turn Matt into some kind of monster by attaching his shotgun onto him.

The CDC was just up ahead and it wouldn't be easy to make their way through the city to get inside. According to the map De-Ting had in his hands, once inside the city there were three stops they could get off at that would lead them to the CDC. But where would be the smartest place to get off and then travel by foot?


A) Bachman Road
This is the first stop once the train reaches the city. There appears to be a gun shop close by this station which means everyone from here on out will be well equipped with ammo. However it is the furthest stop from the CDC. Choose this route if you want to go to the CDC with guns blazing

B) Coxwell Avenue
The second stop after Bachman Road. It's closer to the CDC and is right by a hospital. Some ammo will also be found. Choose this route to ensure your team is always healthy and can work even when injured.

C) Main Street
This stop will take you right to the CDC but is also in the heart of town. Number of zombies unknown but choose this option if you want to use stealth and sneak into the CDC.
A) Bachman Road - 2 vote
B) Coxwell Avenue - 4 votes
C) Main Street - 2 votes

Special shout out to MattAY for catching the Silent Hill references in the street names when he sent his vote.

The train stopped at Coxwell and the group decided now would be the best time to get off and walk the rest of the way on foot. They were close by a hospital that would be able to supply them all with enough medicine to make it through to the end of the game. Their only problem was this city was crawling with the undead and the group would have to stay on their toes.

Lien pushed open the door to the hospital and the group entered...

On the main floor were a few dead military men who seemed to have been guarding the place, not letting anyone out, anyone sick, for fear of spreading this virus. De-Ting searched through the bodies and were able to find handgun bullets. Everyone with a handgun were now well stocked with ammo. As for the rest of the guns, well, they didn't go to the armory (option A) so everyone else was SOL.

"I'm sure these were good men" said Wendy looking over the bodies. One of the bodies slowly began to move its fingers, he wasn't fully dead yet.

"Watch out!" Affen yelled as the zombie sprang up and attacked Wendy.

"AHHH!" She screamed as the zombie plunged his teeth into her neck... and just like that she had received a death sentence...

BLAM! Affen fired, killing the zombie attacking her. The gun shot was loud, and the noise had attracted a bunch of zombies from both inside the hospital and out. The group were going to need to develop a strategy to ensure they could get their supplies upstairs while not boxing themselves in...

You will need to form two groups. Depending on how these groups are formed may change the outcome of the game,

One of you lead a group up to the third floor, the other remain where you are and take out zombies trying to make their way through the doors into the hospital.

One of you has to go up to the third floor and collect medical supplies. The other needs to remain where you are and try to help Wendy as best you can, after all she is still alive for now.

Matt, put that arm to good use and kill some zombies. You can either go upstairs to the third floor and stab some skulls or stay where you are and help the group on the main floor kill the undead. De-Ting and GL need to go up to the third floor and grab as much medicine as they can.

HK, you have a handgun full of ammo. You must decide if you're going up to the third floor to fight zombies or stay where you are and fight them off on the main floor.

Dan, you have the fourth handgun. You can either fight zombies on the third floor or stay where you are and fight them on the main floor.

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