Mass Effect 2

lol fresh indeed.

I just finished the game aswell as completing the normandy memorial and recruiting zaeed. I've done all the side quest aside from the mechanic on that krogan planet. I picked up the part he needed but when i go talk to the mechanic theres no dialogue option to give it to him. :/

I played default male shepard importing my save file and played through paragon with hardcore difficulty. Grunt ended up biting the dust aswell as that doctor that had been kidnapped. I wonder if i should have chosen to give her an escort instead of sending her on her own. I gained +15 renegade and lost an old friend :(
Lien said:
I've just finished the game. It's awesome and all and i wonder why no one is making a TV show out of this. Can't wait too play it again and again and when mass effect 3 will be out...



Bye now, gonna cry in my bed...

That smile is internet gold. Example:


Actually that scene in the game is just internet gold...

Call me late to the party, but if the masks blocks light going both ways, why can you see Shepard's face through it?
I downloaded it but didn't play it. Either way, new character with new skills is pretty sweet, even if it will likely follow Zaeed's example of being rather bland to talk too.
I don't like them adding extra characters to the game. There is already way more than enough as it already is. What, is there supposed to be some sort of giant party on the Normandy in the future?

Shepard: You wanna come on my ship? We are about to have the biggest party ever. It is going to be the party to end all parties. Space is the only place that could contain it.
Kasumi: Will you try to get into my pants later on?
Shepard: Meeeeybe.

lokness said:
She still has her mask on in that second picture with the mudkip.

In the cutscene all she takes off is glass part of the mask.

De-Ting said:
Call me late to the party, but if the masks blocks light going both ways, why can you see Shepard's face through it?

Gotta be mass effect fields. If anything defies logic in the mass effect world, the culprit is probably mass effect fields. Just like fantasy books and magic.

EDIT: I just remembered we had an RPG forum. Why is this topic here and not there? Same goes for this topic, and this one, this one too, and definitely this one. I am sure there are more as well. Mods, do your job and move some topics! Why have a RPG forum and not use it? Actually, do our mods even do anything anymore? Is it time for some new ones?
Maybe the die because no one ever references anyone to the RPG forum when needed? If the RPG forum was actually used, there would be a wealth of information on Mass Effect, Dragon Age, or whatever RPG in one central area. As it is now, we just have random topics spread across all boards.
Alright, I just went through the Omega 4 Relay and it's getting serious! Just one question: what exactly is all of the extra DLC for XBox since it's fairly seamless in it's addition on the PS3. I'm guessing Kasumi, Zaeed, Shadowbroker and Overlord (<--awesome mission).

I've really enjoyed this game thus far. It feels so epic and I love team gathering stories/movies (Seven Samurai, Oceans Eleven, etc.) which this essentially is. I'm not overly annoyed by the mining process. I've used Shadowbroker to pinpoint Rich planets and that's been that. I'm just toying with the idea of running through the rest of the systems and hoping that you find extra missions.

As for my first playthrough, I played a Paragon Infiltrator ManShepard. He's a softie with the occasional Renegade impulse. I like the class but my one complaint is that with AI Hacking all of my vs. robot/Geth has been a breeze, especially once I got the Area Hack.

I have to say though that Mordin is the man. Great in battle, I made him an area effect specialist and he owns synthetics and people alike. But it's the out of combat that I love. He can be so bizarre and yet so fun to have in a party. Plus, he pays huge if you keep talking to him and develop your friendship. On the flip side, I could care less about Jack...such a blah character for me. "I hate everything!" Thanks great, shoot out airlock.

All in all, great game. The comic was helpful in getting the gist of the first game, but I'm still toying with the idea of borrowing a XBox to just play the game...stupid Microsoft. I also ran out of money, there's tons of resource farming, but are there any good credit farming opportunitiies (no, I'm not doing infinite dog fights)?
That's how they get ya. Sure, you could buy games from BioWare and purchase all the DLC for them, or you could play more interesting games that you don't have to purchase DLC for.

Also, hasn't anyone noticed that Frozen's second picture on this page turned into authenticity cards for jewelry?
FemShep is the best Shep.

I should probably get around to playing 2 all the way through sometime....Even though I refuse to play ME3 until its at least 10-20 bucks.
FemShep is pretty cool.

And I bought the PS3 version that has most of the DLC rolled in for just $20, so yeah, 40 hours later...50 cents per hour of enjoyment.

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