Games that didn't age well

sparky87 said:
mattimeo48 said:
LinksOcarina said:
Final Fantasy 7.

I just find it boring now. Lame story, weaker visuals, and the combat is slow and time consuming.

I completely agree. I never played it when it originally came out so when I finally got a PS2 I borrowed a copy from a friend and tried it out. After about 15 hours I gave up and returned it. It was ugly to look at, the story was dull, and the combat was awful.

In general I think that most RPGs that have turn-based combat haven't aged well. I've been playing through Super Mario RPG again and I hate battling in it as it just takes forever. At least the cartoony look of it has saved the visuals though, plus any Mario game where you can team up with Bowser promises to have a semi-unique story.
you quit after 15 hours! why not quit sooner

Well, after all I'd heard about the game I figured I must have been missing something or not have gone far enough into it or whatever. I eventually just gave up on it.
Yoshi's Story for the N64. I used to love it when I was younger but I downloaded it on VC and I realized it's really short. It's still pretty fun though.
Another game that I thought that didn't age well, was Fallout. It's battle system was week (a turn based strategy game were you only control one person?), you can't customize party members, and I thought that the interface was confusing (despite it being simple).
Boringman54 said:
Yoshi's Story for the N64. I used to love it when I was younger but I downloaded it on VC and I realized it's really short. It's still pretty fun though.

Know what games eveyrone!?
Home Improvement for SNES!
I tried and tried to like it more and more, but nope still hate it just as much....if not more....
After watching Sonic Rush for the DS, the original Sonic doesn't seem that good anymore.
But I take a look at the "next gen" Sonics and then that Genesis one looks so damn awesome.
Hey I will admit that the Atari is not a bad system but I don`t thinm that Wrestlemania on PS1 didn`t age very well because I have never seen it anywhere except in my cousins house not even in any stores or any places like that!!!
Age of Empires II might be a bit too recent to fall under 'classic gaming', but I played it all the time when I was 10, and loved it. I don't know how I loved it, but I remember it being my favorite game EVER.

Now, it's unplayable - units die too easily, it's generally too time-consuming to conquer the AI, and the graphics blow even more than Lara Croft (is that possible).
I shut down FEAR the other day to play Quake 4. Granted neither game is that old, but Fear really got old quick. One game that I will probably play forever is Jedi Knight Academy. Graphics look old but the game is actually fun.
kronos_question said:
Goldeneye for the N64, I still don't know how I managed to play that game


the old wrestling games for the N64 and PS1,those games are horrible and i haven't seen those anywhere
gclark03 said:
Age of Empires II might be a bit too recent to fall under 'classic gaming', but I played it all the time when I was 10, and loved it. I don't know how I loved it, but I remember it being my favorite game EVER.

Now, it's unplayable - units die too easily, it's generally too time-consuming to conquer the AI, and the graphics blow even more than Lara Croft (is that possible).

Age of Empires II is still a kickass game, RTS games uaually take a while to win since they are about outthinking and outstrategizing your opponent.
Chances are I would pick this RTS over a majority of the ones released in this day and age.
One game that still feels new to me is Metal Gear Solid... may never stop loving that game.

But, really I think that there's a game called Rise of the Machines somewhere, it's a fighting game that I used to have, I loved it when I was young, would play it at the youth center and kick the other kids' souls into their bladders, but when I played it about a year ago again... Ugh, it is absolutely no longer fun or pretty, it made me wish I never found it again.
Pokemon. It really lacks replay. To re-build an awsome Pokemon arsenal takes too much time and effort, that isn't worth it too much the more you play it. Also, the franchise has gone too far.

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