sega saturn? and how about a genesis jsut for kicks?

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well to start this off im about 19 and jsut got a saturn, i always wanted one when the system was still thriving, but everytime i tryed to get one the people at the stores would talk me out of it, so anyways i bought one from the video game underground,, its a local place and there pretty cool, so now that i have one i wanted to know what games to get for it. so far i have nights, myst, sonic, and panzar dragoon, i'm attempting to find panzar dragoon 2 zwei and panzar dragoon saga, so i guess what it boils down to is ware are the best place to locate older games like these, ebay is nice but you can wind up paying alot, panzar dragoon saga seems to be going from anyware from 100-150 bucks there has to be a better way? o and i have a genesis 3, its starting to get shotty, so i think im going to have to find a new one, so ware to for that i guess as well?
I have a "special" saturn and have probably 90% of the games made for the system. i advise you to search on ebay for the "special" saturn as rpgs for this system are insanely priced.
Bug! and Bug 2! are must have games for the Saturn. If you can get a Saturn light gun (which I remember being a very bulky thing) then track down a copy of Virtua Cop and maybe Virtua Cop 2. I only played the second in the arcade, but it wasn't as good as the first, which was a stellar light gun game for its time. It still is as far as i'm concerned. Virtua Fighter and Virtua Fighter 2 are worth getting, I forget the name but there was another Saturn fighting game that was a cross-over game, which had kid versions of all the VF characters. Daytona USA is a fun racing game, nothing amazing but if you like arcade racing, go for it. The Saturn was very much a home arcade machine really, a lot of arcade games from the mid-ninetees appeared on the Saturn.
You have Nights, good choice, something I wish Sega would revive. Sonic Team have been milking it as an easter egg in many of their recent games, yet their's no sign of another Nights game being released. If you're a fan of Nights, track down Christmas Nights. Its an add-on to Nights with a Christmas stage and during December on the Saturn's clock, all stages have snow and Christmas trees etc.
wo there is a christmas addition of nights? thanks for the suggestions, but ware would you recomend i go to find these games, besides ebay?
I don't know what country you're in, so I don't know if your nearest dedicated video game outlet works the same way as gamestation does. They have a classic gaming section with pre-owned classic games, usually going very cheap. The one near me always has an abundance of Saturn games for sale.
2 words.
Garage Sales

<3 i find so many treasuress....

I got Pokemon Red, Gold, Silver, and Blue at a garage sale for about 3$ for all of em..

you could sell em on ebay for a lot more than that.. lol

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