Choose Your Own Adventure

I feel like page 6 is one of those super disappointing "you died" pages.

I'm going page 9. Sorry, fat mom.
Just Another Day Part 6

The red-haired woman met his eyes from the floor. "Ruuuuuuuuu-" Her final plea was interrupted by a loud squelch and the bellowing howl of the monster below. He had never seen anything so horrible, but he couldn't look away. The world really was bathed in blood. It was everywhere. It was all he could see. A new scream broke his trance. The girl was pulling at his shirt. "We can't stay here. I want to go now!" He obliged. They ran, or crawled, as quickly as they could. The girl didn't know where she was going but the boy followed without thinking. Away. That was the only direction that mattered. The girl suddenly stopped and wretched. As the boy came to his senses, he realized how lost he was. He would have to leave the shaft to orient himself.

Go out alone to check
Turn to page 51

Go out to check together
Turn to page 36

Stay in the vents and hope for some sort of landmark
Turn to page 4
Stay in the vents. Outside are the monstrous savages and you have a duty to keep the gal safe.
You can't leave the girl alone! She needs companionship after seeing her mother get torn to shreds.
Just Another Day Part 7

"I'm going out to see where we are," he started to say. As soon as the statement left his mouth he realized how little noise there was. He felt like it should be louder. Screaming, explosions. Instead it was silent. This was true terror. Unknown terror. "Do you want to go up?" The girl shook her head emphatically. "Then we stay in here." He turned back down the shaft, going deeper and deeper, the girl following close behind. Suddenly his stomach turned...that was a bad sign. The first thing you shut down when power was limited was the gravity. And the last thing you shut off when dealing with the Glorn was the gravity. With their height, long limbs, and sharp claws, they would be able to climb about quickly. While a human had to rely on leaping point to point. "This is bad, we can't just hide. We need to get to safety." he knew he would have to orient himself, he would have to find a grill and venture out, but where would he head once he did that?

The flight deck
Turn to page 50

The docking bay
Turn to page 17

The storage room/your home
Turn to page 36
The flight deck. Due to all the space movies I seen, I would assume it was well defended. Plus how else would the gravity get shut off? Perhaps servivors await you.
With the docking bay, it probably where the they entered the ship in the first place. With the flight deck, you probably could find a fighter or shuttle to take you off the ship but we know the kid isn't probably a pilot. Go back home. I want to see what's there.
Ohhh... I don't care, in the Navy the flight deck is where aircraft takesoff. Go back home, anyways. The first thing I'd do if I'm an alien invader is go for the bridge.

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