Choose Your Own Adventure

Just Another Day, Part 3

Stowing away on a space freighter was hard work. It took patience, caution and the ability to never, under any circumstances, leave a trace. So the boy quietly took the grill off the vent shaft and crawled in. Leaving no trace meant many things, never taking a noticeable amount of food, keeping your possessions to a minimum, and most important not crapping wherever you please. This was the problem with most stowaways, they made a hovel. But the boy was smarter than that. As he arrived at the vent debris airlock, he took a deep breath. There was plenty of oxygen in there, but this was a force of habit that was hard to break. He punched the green button and headed in. It was business as usual. After pulling his pants back up, he loosened the access panel on the door. Still feeling a little off from the morning's dark thoughts, he stared at the wires for a moment. Damn it. Was it the blue wire or the green wire that he needed to cross with the white?

The blue wire.
turn to page 83

The green wire.
turn to page 38
Just Another Day Part 4

"! It has to be green." The two wires connected with a spark...and he waited. Nothing happened so he pressed an ear to the door and tried again. This time he heard something. An alarm. "No! No, no, no, no," he screamed as he pounded on the door. "It was green. I know it was." And he was correct. The door jerkily moved apart. He slid through before it opened completely and breathed deeply. That's when he realized that the alarm was still blaring...and it was coming from outside the vent shaft. When he got to the next grill, he peered down. Below him was the red-haired lady and her daughter. Something was obviously wrong. They had pushed everything in front of the door and were huddled at the back of the room. There was banging from outside and with each thud the two pressed harder against the wall.

What should the boy do?

Help them.
Turn to page 1

Sneak off.
Turn to page 8002

Question them and then decide.
Turn to page 45
There wouldn't be enough time to question them i'm assuming. Sneaking off would be a wise decition but would bring me down with cowardice points. So i'll go with the one that will gain me experience points. Help them.

Sorry use to do alot of different role playing games, including some I made myself. Do I get experience points?
Bretimus_v2 said:
This isn't an illusion of choice thing feel free to do what intrigues you. I try not to write converging paths.

"Hey baby, want to crawl up in my vent? I got space for two."
Assuming we do the reasonably right thing and rescue them.
Just Another Day Part 5

(no one changed their original votes.)

"So much for traveling light," he muttered as he removed the grill. "Up here," he whispered loudly. A wave of emotions washed over the two: terror, confusion, relief. The opening was above head height so the woman hurriedly lifted her daughter to him. As the boy grabbed her shoulders, she scrabbled over him into the vent. The boy quickly turned and stretched both arms down. The woman had pulled a chair over and was climbing atop it when there was a screech as the metal door bent open. In stalked a Glorn. It was over two meters tall and stooped as it entered the room. The woman screamed and leapt towards the vent, but the chair tipped over as she did. The alien appeared amused as it raised it's clawed hand.

Fight the Glorn.
Turn to page 6.

Flee with the daughter.
Turn to page 9.

Provide a distraction.
Turn to page 12.

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