Categorising Brawler Characters


After playing several 2D and 3D brawlers, I've come up with several basic categories for characters within brawlers.

1. The Animals
Example: Panda, Roger Jr (Tekken), Lizard (Soul Calibur)
Basically consisting of all characters who are animals. They can have some rather brutal physical attacks.

2. The Shirtless Horde
Example: Heihachi (Soul Calibur 2), Jin (Tekken 5)
The Shirtless Horde consists of any characters who have a starting costume where they do not have a shirt. Mostly male.

3. Copycats
Example: Lei Wulong, Marshall Law (Tekken), Fei Long (Street Fighter II)
These characters are those based on real-life counterparts, like how Lei Wulong is based on early Jackie Chan characters.

4. Fancy Fists
Example: Lee Chaolan, Nina Williams (Tekken 5), Volt (The Bouncer)
Fancy Fists are characters who, for either a default or secondary costume, has formal wear.

5. Boingy, Boingy
Example: Kasumi (Dead or Alive), Anna Williams (Tekken)
Boingy Boingy is for female characters whose 'chestal attachments' are mostly within plain sight and prove a distraction against male characters and 'curious' female ones.

6. Freaky Fighting
Example: Baraka (Mortal Kombat), Zato 1One (Guilty Gear)
Freaky Fighting is characters who are not human, nor animal. Possibly alien, possibly demon, these fighters are usually butt ugly.

Can any of you find any other categories?
What about a weapons category?

BTW, Boingy Boingy should be changed to "gravity effected characters." :D

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