Your Titanfall loadout and play style


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How do you personally play Titanfall? Does your loadout vary much between game modes?

I just maxed out the level V challenges for my favorite gun, the R-97 sub-machine gun, so I think I might switch to a new main weapon to keep getting those XP bonuses. I wish there was more incentive to stay with the R-97 because I'm so good with it, but oh well. If I suck with everything else I'll just go back to it.

My main loadout is the R-97, cloaking, power cells, minion detector.

I've tried a little while with both fast reload and 'run and gun' but neither of them worked for me as well as power cells. I like to have my cloak near-constantly active and get up close with the smg. I think it reloads fast enough as it is.

As for my Titan: Ogre chassis, rail gun, rocket salvo, nuclear ejection, auto ejection.

I'm not one of those people that uses auto-Titan often because of the nuclear ejection I can get into a big brawl and always leave safely with a kill or two. The Atlas chassis might work better for that because you can actually close the distance quicker before detonating but I think my lives last longer in the Ogre. I'm slower, more careful. Hang back and snipe with the rail gun.

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