Your artistic endeavours

UrbanMasque said:
So what, the Dominicans in the back... i guess they're the cooks..

you should be ashamed of yourself.

[where is this story going? or is it done?]

It's done.

It's only a mini-pretentious story I literally wrote in twenty minutes, that has no point to it.
I'm well aware I suck. Some of those videos I'm kind of ashamed of actually. =/
Who knows... Over the break I may record some more videos.
Harsh criticism is appreciated.

And am I the only one who gets all giddy when I hear another GR member's voice? It makes you all so much more real to me. :D
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
I'm well aware I suck, but I am indeed working. Some of those videos I'm kind of ashamed of actually. =/
Who knows... Over the break I may record some more videos.
Harsh criticism is appreciated.
I must act before Lethean gets here.

Sorry FTG,[harshcrit] Im having hard time hearing you squeling and the piano want's to be dead[/harshcrit].... OH who am I kidding here.
Very nice, very nice inderdaad.........

still reading? Shoo
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
And am I the only one who gets all giddy when I hear another GR member's voice? It makes you all so much more real to me. :D
Sometimes it surprises me, but it's better than giving you all the same voice in my head.
Nice voice, De-Ting. ;)

and FTG you don't sound bad either, you don't "suck" - my only criticism is it was just difficult to hear that voice of yours, it does sound nice though, and you can play the piano? That's good too - I'd love to be able to play a musical instrument. >_<

I mentioned before that I've got an art job with a local group called TEAMhealth, and recently I completed my first art piece to what we're calling the "Jake series", so here it is.


The idea with this piece is supposed to be a sort of "intro" to the series of pictures, it is supposed to show a man in the dark glued to his computer screen, but showing signs of things like depression and loneliness. When the piece "zooms out" it is supposed to show further problems, like alcoholism and whatnot.

For this piece... I'm not too happy with it. The lighting seems unrealistic and I should have used different colours for the tone on the skin and whatnot - more white/blue-ish colours (to represent depression and a realistic computer screen lighting). The eyebrows also need to be changed. This is not the "final" piece - but it's the first attempt. The guys who I'm doing this for really like it but I think it needs work.

but here's some fan art (I don't do fan art very often at all) of Harley Quinn from Batman - with Joker style Dark Knight make up on.


Hope you guys like my works. :)
Those are very big pictures. I like them.

And I am learning guitar right now. I played in a school concert today, and my dad showed up 30 seconds after I was done, so the music director claimed that there was a "technical failure" and I got to play it again.
Longo_2_guns said:
Those are very big pictures. I like them.

And I am learning guitar right now. I played in a school concert today, and my dad showed up 30 seconds after I was done, so the music director claimed that there was a "technical failure" and I got to play it again.

Thanks man, I appreciate that. They're big 'cuz they're 1000 x 1000 pixels. :p

and man that sounds awesome about the guitar stuff, good luck with continuing/improving, and man the music director sounds so nice to let you play again because your dad was a bit late. That's really cool. :)
^Thanks, man. Yeah - I'm terrible when it comes to drawing females. They always look too masculine. I need serious practice regarding that. Funnily enough - the pose/figure is based off a stock photograph from deviantART of a woman. That makes me feel bad. :( Thanks regardless though ha ha. :p
Longo_2_guns said:
And I am learning guitar right now. I played in a school concert today, and my dad showed up 30 seconds after I was done, so the music director claimed that there was a "technical failure" and I got to play it again.
Now that's just the best. :D
Flaming_Tiki_God said:
I'm well aware I suck. Some of those videos I'm kind of ashamed of actually. =/
Who knows... Over the break I may record some more videos.
Harsh criticism is appreciated.

And am I the only one who gets all giddy when I hear another GR member's voice? It makes you all so much more real to me. :D
You're actually very good. I was surprised by the way you kept saying you were really bad, because really, I checked out some of your other videos and they are all great. Keep workin man, the only suggestion I have is to sing a little louder.
Thanks a lot, sir, but really...really, my voice is feces. Singing louder is the last thing I want to do.
I love you though. :D

I make it a habit to check out other people's Youtube covers of songs I cover, and I always end up hating myself even more than normal.
I'll just post the picture I created for the photochop contest. I have a strange feeling that I would have ruled that thread if the competition had continued.


That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Well, at least today anyways. I love the car AC controls on the Bread Gun.

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