You know what kind of game I'd love to see?


GTA with a cop.

Not just any cop though, because we have Crackdown for that, one of the most over rated games ever.

I'd like to see it be an open ended game, with open ended missions where you play a cop. You have missions you need to complete and guys to arrest(however you see fit), but you can also go off and do your own thing. You can chose to enter partnerships with a gang to get a percentage of their drug profits, and in turn you put a stomp on an opposing gang. In doing so, you guarantee only one gang operating, no gang wars and drugs not going to children. So you could be a cop who does care to uphold the law, but ventures into that gray area every now and then to uphold it.

You could coerce suspects, use excessive force.

I think if they incorporated a light/dark side system a la Fable and KoTOR mixed with the GTA elements it'd be a great game.

Perhaps if you use force on a suspect, he rolls over on someone else, whereas if you didn't he may lie to buy him some time or take all the heat, causing the trail to go cold, thus your mission to bring down a head guy takes longer as you have to do it by the book. Maybe to make it worth doing by the book though, the game could have a different outcome...Perhaps promotions. If you get caught doing some corrupt business you get charged yourself.

Think of the main character being a Vic Mackey of sorts.

I don't know. It all sounds pretty ambitious and I'm just thinking of stuff off the top of my head. I know they already have a game of the Shield but it's apparently pretty crappy and doesn't sound very open ended.
Really? Maybe I should check it out then. I had never played it. Hopefully it has as much to do as I'm envisioning in my head.
LetheanDreams said:
Really? Maybe I should check it out then. I had never played it. Hopefully it has as much to do as I'm envisioning in my head.

I wouldnt hope for too much if i were you.
this kinda sounds like what the OXM wishlist for GTA included, even the shield reference. I agree though it would be pretty awesome but instead of just being bad i want to make choices that will effect parts of the game in some way.
The only thing I don't want out of that is a light/dark meter. Instead I would prefer a more subtle approach of your actions causing people to like/dislike you. Since good and bad are relative to perspective, I think it needs to be like the diplomacy in Mercenaries. Attacking group A will make group A like you less and group B like you more. Stuff like that.
So its like a taking adavantage of the stronger and profitable group. Arresting the weaker and non-profitable gang or its just they don't want you in.
But I think its much more appropriate if you have the choice of having no involvement of any of the gangs, and vice-versa.

But nice idea by the way^w^
NastyMoon said:
So its like a taking adavantage of the stronger and profitable group. Arresting the weaker and non-profitable gang or its just they don't want you in.
But I think its much more appropriate if you have the choice of having no involvement of any of the gangs, and vice-versa.

But nice idea by the way^w^
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