You are so like ... cliched. :D

games that have an objective.

Also, games, especially, well, exclusively recently that have some sort of good living deal going on (i.e. Renegade/Paragon, Light Side/Dark Side, Good Karma/Bad Karma). Especially.. ESPECIALLY.. when it has nothing to do with anything besides the game's outcome.
Kijan said:
Hey folks, let us talk about videogame cliches here. Post one you know and let us see how many are there. :D

If possible, also post in which genre of videogaming this cliched can be best seen in, a game for an example would also be great. :)

Let us start then:

The Amnesia at the start of the game, only to realize, he is the hero to save his world from impending doom at the end of the game cliche.

Genre: RPG and some FPS

Example: Can't think of any. :(

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (depending on if you're light side or dark side).
keepithowitis said:
games, especially, well, exclusively recently that have some sort of good living deal going on (i.e. Renegade/Paragon, Light Side/Dark Side, Good Karma/Bad Karma). Especially.. ESPECIALLY.. when it has nothing to do with anything besides the game's outcome.

I also hate that. It's fun when it affects the world -- and your character's interactions within it, such as the good/bad systems in Fallout3, Mass Effect. But I hate when it ONLY affects the ending, and especially when it kind of ruins the ending -- like in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, or in Bioshock. Developers need to stick to one narrative throughout instead of trying to please everybody all at once.

My all-time favorite though is DOUBLE JUMP!
I forgive Double Jump because in Spiderman 2 Bruce Campbell tells you to ignore the fact that it defies all laws of physics and just do it.
^That's funny. I also love in The Simpsons Game when Homer sometimes says "Jump, Double JUMP" when leaping.
Longo_2_guns said:
I forgive Double Jump because in Spiderman 2 Bruce Campbell tells you to ignore the fact that it defies all laws of physics and just do it.

Of course! jumping off of thin air is so possible, I mean the scout from TF2 can do it, why can't we?

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