Let's predict. :D


I thought of a game that we could if you'd all like. :)

This game is based on prediction. Let's start predicting which game genre will have the biggest game in year 2010 and which genre will have it's biggest flop. :P I know it may be a 'tad' early, but hey. Why not? :P :D

I'd say that the biggest top would be in the FPS/RPG genre and the biggest flop would go to the FPS genre.

Hybrids are allowed. :)

Come on, predict and at the end of year 2010 let us see who was right. ;)
I bet a FPS will be the best year of the game (even though I don't want it to) and I bet that a major flop is coming with a RPG.
FF13 is next year (hopefully)...RPG will not be a flop!! Plus Mass Effect 2 comes out soon then no?
i predict that people will finally relize that fps's are nothing more than the same basic game, just newer graphics, different settings, same tired weapons, and no fps will be in a award category. (one can hope)

in 2010, with both mass effect 2 coming out, and ff 13 coming out, rpgs will become popular agian, and no longer will we pay 60 bucks for 10 hours of gameplay (unless you own a 360, in wich case, your version of ff13 will only have the main story line, 20 hours of gameplay and no extras, wich will flop when compared to the 80 pluse hours of gameplay on the ps3, sucks, huh?).

motion control and project natal will all be flops.

everyone will grow tired of rock band and guitar hero.

best game of the year will be vagrant story 2. god i wish, why haven't they made a sequel yet?? why?????????????????????? i'm gonna get all emo now and sit in the corner crying reading twilight.
Hmm this is a tough prediction..."Wind, guide me"
Ok I predict FPS will be the biggest game genre of the year with Bioshock 2, but it will be a close call with Mass Effect 2 as the RPG Genre.

The Rhythm/Music genre will be the biggest flop.
miak757 said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
motion control and project natal will all be flops.
Good job captain obvious.
People are too lazy to get off there ass for something like Natal.

suck it.

sides, the complaints have come in already

"it;s not realistic, it's not gritty"

c'mon, like holding a controller in your hand to direct the movment of the games avatar is? gamers these days, to obessed with reality and grittyiness. thats why uncharted is gonna be the next half life, screw the realism, give me the fun.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
(unless you own a 360, in wich case, your version of ff13 will only have the main story line, 20 hours of gameplay and no extras, wich will flop when compared to the 80 pluse hours of gameplay on the ps3, sucks, huh?).

You really think Microsoft will allow this, especially now that we can install shit onto our HDDs now too?
There's like a, what, 4% chance of this happening?
madster111 said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
(unless you own a 360, in wich case, your version of ff13 will only have the main story line, 20 hours of gameplay and no extras, wich will flop when compared to the 80 pluse hours of gameplay on the ps3, sucks, huh?).

You really think Microsoft will allow this, especially now that we can install s*** onto our HDDs now too?
There's like a, what, 4% chance of this happening?

hmm. so is square enix gonna pay for the hdd for the 360's that didn't come with one?
Haha dude, that's ridiculous. There will be 3 discs on the 360 with at least 50 hours of gameplay - sidequests.

Do more research next time. Unless you were making a joke thatI still dont get.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
hmm. so is square enix gonna pay for the hdd for the 360's that didn't come with one?

Are people going to NEED that extra install disc to play the game?
No. It's called bonus, optional content.
Dragon Age will be a hit, but won't gain much notoriety.

Assassin's Creed 2 will be better than the first, but not unbelievable.

Modern Warfare 2 will be the best seller of the holiday season.

God of War 3 will be the game to end all games.
Biggest Top: FPS/RPGs. Bioshock 2 anyone? Also APB is online GTA4 with official gangs. It'll draw the GTA crowd as well as the FPS Guild crowd.

Biggest Flop: Fighting Games. SFIV and KoF XII came out this year; most classics are being released as downloads; Sure Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars sounds like it will be fun, but most of the characters are unknown in America and I don't see it having an affect on the plethora of American games coming out for the holiday season.
everyone will grow tired of rock band and guitar hero.

Agreed. And even then advancements in that industry are 'one step forwards, two steps back'.

I just heard DJ Hero being advertised on Spotify. The voice-over called it 'revolutionary'. Oh, revolutionary? Don't you mean 'a shit version of Frequency with a tacky plastic thing'?

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